Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Gettin' Ready for TAKS

I personally am not a fan of the TAKS test. Jessie does not perform well when put under extreme pressure. This is Jonathan's first year to take the TAKS test. I'm not sure what to expect with him. He has gotten very high marks on all of the TAKS related material that they've gone over in class. However, who knows what will happen on the actual test.

We tried to make last night as relaxing as possible. The kids decided on Spaghetti for their pre-TAKS dinner. Of course, that meant that we had to make a meatless sauce for Jess. But, I was happy to oblige. Then, we put everyone through the rounds of showering and getting ready for bed. Before bed, each child received three #2 pencils that were sharpened to the perfect point. (I did this because Jonathan has pencils that are teeny-tiny and sharpened on both ends. I was petrified that he would try to take the test with one of those ratty pencils.) Jess got a new package of highlighters.

Both kids got new books to read after the test is completed. Jonathan has been wanting Diary of a Wimpy Kid - The Last Straw. I had been holding out, because I wanted to give it to him for today. I'm just praying that he doesn't laugh out loud while he's reading it. I got Jess a new book that I'm hoping she will like. It was on a shelf that said... If you like Stephenie Meyer then you will like these books. Then both kids have letters of encouragement from Mom. Jonathan's teacher had us write letters last week and will hand them out at school this morning. I packed Jess' in her bag.

Unfortunately, Jonathan woke up at 1:30 a.m. I told him he could sleep on our floor. (I just really wanted him to get back to sleep quickly.) My alarm clock went off at 5:30 a.m. I should have gotten up and showered. Instead, I quickly turned it off and stayed very still hoping that Jonathan could get another 30 minutes of sleep. Jonathan and I got up and started breakfast at 6:00 a.m. Pre-TAKS breakfast consisted of eggs, biscuits and bacon (no bacon for Jess, of course). Jonathan was wired and Jess was grumpy. We had a little trouble getting her started. Once she got going, she was fine. About 7:00 a.m. this morning everyone seemed to get a handle on their nerves - thank goodness!

I asked Jess to say the morning prayer. I knew she had concerns and I thought that it would be best for her to offer the prayer. She said a great prayer for both her and Jonathan. She asked that they would be blessed with strength in taking the test, that they would both take their time and do well. Even Jonathan was moved and that doesn't happen too often.

Post-TAKS dinner will bring hamburgers for the beef-eaters and Jess will have a chicken sandwich. Brownies will be served for dessert.

Meanwhile, I am praying that everyone does well today. TAKS days are my least favorite days of the year.

1 comment:

Eric and Amy said...

Oh, I was praying for all these kids on these TAKS tests too. So scary for them. A big test for such a small kid! I see the point in it, but it still makes me wonder if really does what it's supposed to. Hope everything went well!!