Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mollie & Me

WARNING: This blog has gone to the dogs!

I have been blogging about Jonathan being my buddy. However, I have a four-legged buddy by the name of Mollie. Yeah, I know that I spell her name weird. When we were thinking about puppy names, I decided that it had to be something that ended in "ie" so that it would match and flow with Gracie's name.

Mollie will be a year old on April 20th. I love this age because they are still young and fun yet they've grown out of many of their bad habits. Mollie follows me around the house and faithfully stays by my side - that is when she is not chasing and barking at the cat.

Jonathan and I have been taking Mollie to PetSmart training once a week. We have completed three weeks worth of training. We have fun taking Mollie on car rides, visits to PetSmart and even vet trips are fun with Mollie in tow.

However, today I have hit an all new craziness level with our Mollie. I took her to doggy daycare. The worst part is I once teased a co-worker shamelessly about taking her puppy to daycare. I teamed up with another co-worker and we laughed and made jokes about the silliness of taking your dog to daycare. Not only did I take Mollie to daycare... I called and checked on her at 10:30 a.m. along with periodically checking their webcam during the day. Yes, I have reached an all new level of craziness.

We love Gracie, of course. She loves her walks and she dutifully lets me put drops in her ears everyday. She lets me try out some of my new training skills even though she is far beyond training. She gets excited when I feed her some of my homemade dog food and treats. She loves to get pats on the head. Sadly, she no longer wants to follow me around the house (I remember a time when I would get frustrated because she would trip me). And, she no longer wants me to throw the ball for her or play tug-of-war.

I feel bad because I am a much better Mommy to Mollie than I was to Gracie. We got Gracie when Jessie was 14 months old. She was a great playmate for Jessie and they were the best of friends. Gracie was always there to lick Jessie's face when she was having a bad day. However, I had my hands full and I didn't take the time to socialize her with other dogs and to train her. I have vowed not to make the same mistakes with Mollie. Maybe I've gone a little overboard, though. Or, maybe not.

Here is a screen grab from the daycare's website. Mollie is the little fluffy girl in the right-hand corner.

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