Tuesday, March 3, 2009

More than You Wanted To Know About Saturday

Fred was at a fishing tournament this weekend, so the kids and I were left to our own devices. We spent Saturday morning running errands, a trip to the vet and Jonathan’s martial arts class. After martial arts, Jonathan and I ran to Best Buy. I had some birthday money + a gift card left from Christmas. We asked the 20-something sales associate for the shiny pink iPod Nano. He asked me if it was for my daughter!!!! I’m not sure what threw him… the fact that I wanted the pink one (pink makes me happy) or that every other adult my age is buying the iTouch or the iPhone. I’m not even sure why he wanted to know who it was for, but he was taken aback when I answered “umm, NO!”

I headed home with Jonathan and my shiny pink Nano. We picked up Jessie and went to Gattitown for Katy’s 12th birthday party. We had a great time visiting with the Miller’s and Garstka’s, plus we are so glad that Abie and Stacie are here now. Poor Jonathan was the only boy. He tried hanging with Uncle Dave and Uncle Abie. However, if you know Dave, you know that he can be a little spastic when it comes to sports. (Sorry, Dave.) They were playing a football game and Dave managed to hit Jonathan in the forehead/nose area with the football. I had this feeling that something was wrong, so I turned to check on Jonathan. He was holding his nose and looking like he wanted to cry. I see Dave holding back a smile and telling Jonathan to shake it off. Just a few moments later, he hit Stacie in the face, too. Thankfully, no one else got hurt.

Dave looking quite proud of himself after nailing both Jonathan and Stacie in the face with the football!
Jonathan is just like his Daddy - he loves those games with the crane. When Fred and I were dating, I had tons of cheap stuffed animals from those little crane games!

Look at those pretty girls - Jessie and Katy!

A trip to Gattitown is not complete without going next door to Half Price Bookstore. A bookstore is like Disney World to me. I love it! Afterwards, I was able to complete some chores, load up my shiny pink Nano with songs and finish a book that I was reading. The only two blemishes on the day were: 1) spending more money at the vet’s office – Stonebrook Veterinary Clinic has seen an huge increase in revenues during the months of January and February 2) the fact that I couldn’t get tickets to see George Strait and Reba. Otherwise, it was a very satisfying day… nearing perfection.

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