Tuesday, March 31, 2009

True Story

I was cleaning out my emails at work and came across this one that I had sent some friends a very long time ago. Yes, this really happened to me. And, yes, I am crazy!

November 14, 2003

For the last two weeks, I've been getting up at 5:30 a.m. and walking around my neighborhood. The only problem with walking that early is that it is dark and probably not very safe. This morning I headed out like usual and decided that I would walk a main road rather than roads in my subdivision. I start walking the 2 blocks to Hillcrest. I look over and there is a strange car with his interior lights on. He veers towards the left and slows down. The he goes straight to the intersection. The weird thing was that he was on the wrong side of the street when he was leaving the intersection. I thought this was strange but I didn't think anything else about it.

I got to Hillcrest and decided that walking Hillcrest wasn't that safe. There weren't any houses and if I screamed, no one would hear me. I made a block and headed back down my subdivision. As I was walking, this gold minivan flies around the corner. I proceed walking down the same road he is. He slows down a little in front of my neighbor's house and then speeds up. I go to the main street in our subdivision and I'm going to walk the sidewalk there because it is safer. Anyway, as I'm walking this street I realize that this van is flying from street to street. He has his interior light on and I decide that he is a cab. You know we get so many in Frisco.

I figure he's picking someone up to take them to the airport. I keep walking and finally the van goes on and I decide that he's finally found the house that he was looking for. I continue down until I reach Coit. Right before I reach Coit, I turn and start walking down individual streets in my subdivision. I'm no longer concerned until I see a minivan flying down the streets again. This time he's really close to me. I get my cell phone out and I have it tightly clutched in my hand. I consider calling 911 and telling them that there is a crazy person driving the streets of my subdivision. I quicken my steps and I start cutting in and out of streets trying to get away from him.

Finally we are on the same street! I almost fall because some kids left their tricycles out on the sidewalk. This slows me down a little and puts both me and the minivan at the stop sign together. I look straight ahead and refuse to look over. My mind is racing and I'm trying to decide what to do. If I turn right, it will put me in the direction of my house but I would have to stand there and wait for the van to go through the stop sign. I decide to turn left. However, I can feel that he is turning left, too! I get mad and decide that this is stupid and that I need to get home. I turn around so that I am at least in the direction of my house. To my surprise, I'm face to face with the minivan stalker. He has done a u-turn and is heading right back down the same road. We are eye to eye and face to face. I realize that this is not the same stalker. The other stalker's minivan was gold and this minivan is silver. I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights because I was quite freaked out. He goes on and I look over my shoulder and see a newspaper thrown out of his window. I then realize that I have run from 3 different newspaper delivery people!!!! To add salt to the wound, I get to the next street and we meet again. He looks at me and says, hi.

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