Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Truth Hurts

Shortly after Christmas, Jonathan began to ask me a lot of questions about Santa Claus. One morning he asked me over and over about the Wii. He asked, "Did you and Daddy get us the Wii?" I tried to skirt the issue by asking him what he thought. Then I asked what his friends believed. The questioning wasn't going to end without me giving him a definitive answer. He finally said "I KNOW you and Daddy got us the Wii." I couldn't lie, so I admitted that he was right. I knew it was coming and I was thankful that Jonathan had believed for exactly 9 years. That is longer than most, I think.

When this discussion took place, we were in the bathroom getting his teeth brushed and his millions of curls gelled and scrunched into place. I looked at his little face in the mirror and asked, "Does it make you sad that Mommy and Daddy are Santa?" He looked at me with complete shock on his face. He said "What do you mean???? I just thought you got us the Wii. I didn't realize you were Santa!" Great! Now, I've just crushed the dream.

Fast forward to this past weekend. Jessie had finished up a book that she was reading. She was desperate for a trip to the bookstore to buy the second book in the series. I finally admitted that I already had the book. I explained that I had bought it for her Easter basket. I hear naive little Jonathan approaching from behind me. With great disgust he exclaims, "What???? Now, you're the Easter Bunny, too?" I guess he hadn't made the connection that I am all things magical and fairy-like.

I motioned for him to have a seat in the living room. I told him I had some news for him and asked if he could take it like a man. He assured me that he could. I told him that I am Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and the Pumpkin Fairy. I asked him if he was okay with that. He nodded his little head and then said "I know that you're not the desk fairy, though. That is my teacher."

I can't help but be sad that he grew up a little this weekend.

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