Saturday, August 28, 2010

Daddy Daughter Hiking Adventure

One day I was thinking about Father's Day, and out of no where I had an awesome idea.  My Dad likes to hike.  The serious kind of hike.  The kind where you hike down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and then back up again.  I thought that I would like to take up hiking.  You know, the non-serious kind.  Not the Grand Canyon kind of hiking.  I also thought about the fact that my dad and I hadn't done anything by ourselves in a long time.  So, an idea was born.

I called Dad and gave him my proposal.  We should celebrate Father's Day with a hiking/camping trip.  And, that is just what we did.  We stayed at Bonham State Park.  I got there Friday evening, and we hiked and camped until Sunday at lunch.
I think Dad was surprised that I was willing to camp with him.  My Mom will hike with him, but she does not camp.  When I was a teenager, we camped a lot.  The kind of camping that involves a travel trailer.  Certainly not the tent kind of camping. 
Bonham State Park is a nice little park that is easy to navigate.  Well, the park itself is easy to navigate.  The hiking trails?  Not so much?  The trails were not marked well, and the map was useless.  Thank goodness it is a small park.  We spent hours hiking in circles.
Most of the trails were in the trees.  There were a few sections that allowed a nice view of the lake.
The hiking sticks were awfully cool.  I didn't have any hiking gear, so Dad brought stuff for me to use.  I really liked the hiking stick.  Unfortunately, there is no place in Frisco that requires a hiking stick. 
The trails were beautiful, and there was lots of tree cover.  With all of those trees, the sun didn't pose a problem.  It was just hot!
After hiking, Dad and I decided a bike ride would be nice and relaxing.  We rode around the lake two times.  Boy, oh boy, was the sun hot!  And, hills steep (at least it seemed that way in the heat).
I think we look like a true outdoorsman and outdoorswoman with our bikes.  After enduring our bike ride, we thought that we surely needed a picture for documentation!  Jonathan let me borrow one of his bandanas.  Isn't it nice?
I learned a little bit about hiking on the trip.  For instance, I didn't  know that you were supposed to mark your map with where you hiked.  I'm ready for next time.  I think I'm almost a pro... NOT!

I had a blast, and enjoyed being outdoorsy with my Dad.  I hope he enjoyed his Father's Day gift.  Maybe we can make it an annual Father's Day Hiking Extravaganza!

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