Friday, August 27, 2010

Bright and Early

This is a year of firsts for our little freshman girl.  This is the first year that she attends seminary.  Oh, seminary.  I think it is going to be quite the challenge to get my sweet girl to seminary every morning.  Seminary starts at 6:00 a.m.  Yes, you did read that right.  Six o'clock in the morning!  Thankfully, seminary didn't start until Wednesday.  So, they had two days to get used to school, before starting this new endeavor. 

I wish I could tell you that I get up at the butt crack of dawn, but that would be untrue.  I get up at the PRE-butt crack of dawn.  The alarm goes off at 5:00.  I bathe and dress.  At this point, the challenge begins.  Waking up Jessica.  She is not a morning person.  And, when I say she is not a morning person, I mean she is down right mean when she hasn't had enough sleep.  I roll her out of bed and throw her in the car.  Once in the car, she puts her hair up in a pony tail, and partakes of some Dr. Pepper (the story behind the DP will get its own post).  I drop her off at church, and then go back at 6:50 a.m. to pick her up.

Wednesday and Thursday were quite successful, and she seemed to really enjoy it.  However, I do have to report that we failed miserably this morning.  She stayed up too late last night studying.  As a result, she didn't get enough sleep.  It was a rough morning, to say the least.  I got her to church, but she refused to get out of the car.  I told her that if she didn't get out of the car that I would take her phone away from her.  She handed me the phone!  What?  Jessica NEVER parts with her phone.  So, I have to come up with new strategies next week.  Some mornings are going to be good, and some are going to be horrible. 

It is my hope and prayer that she will find seminary a blessing in her life.  In fact, I told her that I wish that I could go to seminary every morning.  What a wonderful way to start the day.  If I could bolster myself with gospel teachings every morning before work, I would most certainly make better choices during the day!

There is nothing like a banana smoothie to make the pick-up at 6:50 a.m. go faster.  I think I am going to spend a lot of time in the church parking lot this year. 

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