Tuesday, August 24, 2010

May You Have Courage

During our Family Home Evening on Sunday, I gave the kids a lesson on courage.  I introduced them to President Monson's talk called May You Have Courage.  It is my hope that we can use that as our family theme/motto for the 2010-2011 school year. 

President Monson was speaking to the Young Women, but I assured Jonathan that the talk could be applied to anyone... even me!   There were three areas that President Monson counseled that we should have courage.  (Note:  I am paraphrasing)

1) May you have courage to not judge others
2) May you have courage to be chaste and virtuous
3) May you have courage to stand for truth and righteousness

We talked about all three.  Trust me, when I say chaste was a little tricky.  I danced around the subject making sure that Jessica understood, but trying not to be too explicit for Jonathan.  I shared that my weakness lies in judging others. 

I think that they took the lesson to heart.  I hope to reinforce that lesson as we go about the school year.  I just felt that it was a great "back to school" lesson.  In the school setting, it is so easy for our kids to lose sight of their eternal goals.

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