Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hangin' with the Cousins

Our family was lucky enough to have two of the cousins spend the weekend with us.  We usually try to plan for some fun on the Saturday before school starts.  We ended up a little behind, because I decided to enroll Jonathan at YMCA and do my grocery shopping.  Turns out that the entire city of Frisco thought that Saturday was a fine time to do those things as well. 

Once we were done YMCAing and Krogering, we headed off to the Frisco Athletic Center.  It was our first visit this summer.  Last summer, we practically lived there.  But, as I stated in an earlier post, Fred has been all about the lake this summer.  When discussing our Saturday plans, he started bringing up the lake.  Even going so far as to pick a new lake that was TWO hours away!  Jessica, Jonathan and myself took a stand.  No more lake water!
Kylie, Jessie and Kaitlin

Let it be known that little Kylie rode that big slide in the background over and over and over.  She and Jonathan made countless trips up the steps.  There are two slides, so they always made sure that they each came down at the exact same time.  After about 10 or 15 trips (you start to lose count after a while), the life guard decided that Kylie was too short for the slide.

Fred's beach towel is Fred-sized.  He went to grab his towel and it was gone.  He thought Jess or Kaitlin had taken it.  Instead, we see tiny little Kylie wrapped up in the extra large towel.
Jonathan is quite serious about his goggles.  He does not like going into the water without his goggles.  When he was in preschool, he and his swim instructor would argue about those darn goggles.  He wasn't allowed to have them in swim class.  He has had these goggles since he was 4 years old.  I can't believe that he has managed to keep up with them all these years.  Jess had the same ones (just in a girly color) for swim team.  They weren't cheap, and why we bought them is a mystery to me.  However, this is the best purchase that we have ever made.  The Easter Bunny got Jonathan a new pair of Speedo goggles.  They were nice, and they were green -- his favorite color.  He hates them.  They aren't as comfortable as his trusty black pair.  He is definitely a creature of habit.

We enjoyed getting wet and playing in the sun on Saturday. 

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