Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Perfect Tent

Last year, I was getting ready to go to Girls' Camp for my first time ever.  Camp was being done on a Ward level so we needed lots and lots of supplies.  We packed everything Fred owned.  What we didn't pack-- we bought.  

We needed tents and we begged and begged for 10 man tents from our fellow church members.  We received lots of offers, but the offers weren't quite what we needed.  We ended up one tent short.  The week before we were leaving, Fred and I were at Walmart buying One hundred-bazillion dollars worth of stuff for all of our summer camping trips.  I mentioned that we were still one tent short.

So, we went over and looked at every single one of the tents that Walmart had to offer.  And, I truly mean that we looked at every single tent that Walmart had to offer.  And, we scrutinized which tent to get.  I remember the concern I had that this was a big purchase and we were already purchasing so much.  I also remember my snooty thoughts that Walmart really isn't the place to buy a tent.  I thought we should be at Academy, instead.  I gave Fred my thoughts about quality and that we should buy a good one that will hold lots of girls.

Fred assured me that this was a good choice and that we would use this tent again. I texted my fellow Young Women leaders and let them know that Fred had bought us a tent and that we could call off the begging. They were ever so thankful. Trust me.

I have to say that Fred bought the perfect tent.  Walmart, I owe you an apology!  It pops up in 2 1/2 minutes.  Now, that is my kind of tent.  It is nice and roomy.  And, in less than a year, it has been used for Girls' Camp, High Adventure, miscellaneous Boy Scout adventures and most recently our 4th Year Girls took it for their camp out.  Oddly enough, our family has never had the opportunity to use it, but maybe this summer we'll get to go on an adventure.  It's definitely been used by the youth.  We've cleaned out coke spills, blood and red sparkles (Girls' Camp theme was 'There's No Place Like Home').

My favorite thing about my husband is that he will give you the shirt right off his back or buy a tent for the Young Women to use and never think twice.  He's pretty much a keeper!

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