Saturday, May 2, 2015

Anne with an e

Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think.
It's splendid to find there are so many of them in the world.

Is it wrong (and just a little bit weird) that I told my family that I wanted the Anne of Green Gables trilogy for Mother's Day?

It all started when a co-worker complimented my personalized note cards.  I told her that we were kindred spirits like Anne Shirley and Diana Barry.  She exclaimed that she loved those movies.  We asked the other women if they knew Anne Shirley and they were confused.  However, one was our kindred spirit.  Not only did she know Anne, Diana and Gilbert, but her husband gave her the set for Christmas.

So, now we go around calling each other kindred spirits -- it's like we're in a secret club since the others don't know what we're talking about.  I sort of want to read the books, too.  Because the books were even more amazing than the movies.

It's like stepping back into 1985 for me.  I want these movies bad.  And, I'm making Jessie watch them, too!  I am, you can bet on it.

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