Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Super Scouters

I am very proud of these Super Scouters-- by the way, I just made up that title.  It's not a real BSA title. Fred and Rod earned their Wood Badge tickets, which is a really big deal in the Boy Scout world.  They attended six days of training, which was divided in two long weekends.  This meant that they took time off from work and their families.  After they finished their training, they still had to earn their tickets which basically meant they had to complete several meaningful projects.

Last Thursday, we gathered together for their "beading," which was very exciting for both of them.  I would like to add that one of my kids was relieved to hear that it was a beading and not a beating-- seems there was a little miscommunication at our house.  

The families participated which was a little awkward, yet very special. The Fortenberrys specialize in awkwardness.  The wives placed beads around the husbands' necks, and the kids placed the new neckerchief and woggle on their dads.  The new neckerchief and woggle signifies that they have completed their Wood Badge.

I don't have any pictures of the actual beading, because there was an entire row of people there and we all went up front for this event.  There was not a soul around for me to signal to or ask to take pictures.  It's probably best.  Who knows what we looked like.

Fred had individuals from his patrol (or whatever it is called-- I'm not real savvy on the terminology) there to support him.  I know that he was appreciative of all those that came to support him. I would like to remember that Tony and Alisara were there.

I am so thankful to have a husband that works so hard for our boys.  He puts in so many hours that no one sees.  

Fred and Rod are both such great examples for our Young Men!

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