Thursday, August 1, 2013

Arkansas Weekend

Last weekend we made a quick trip to Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas to see Fred's family.  We headed that way for a memorial service for Fred's Grandpa.  We left Frisco at 5:00 a.m. on Friday and rolled into Horseshoe Bend just in time to drop the dog off and change for the service.  We cut it just as close as you can.  I was scared we were going to miss it, but we said a prayer before we left and Heavenly Father watched over us the entire trip.  There was some rain, but no severe weather or traffic issues.  Thank goodness.

The memorial service was beautiful and we had a wonderful time visiting with family.

We were excited to visit with Dawn, Cody and Matthew for just a short time before they left for Branson.  They were kind enough to rearrange their morning and leave later on their trip, so that we could have breakfast together.  We hadn't expected that and we were grateful.  The kids enjoy each other and we love Dawn.

We had a great time at Grandma and PawPaw Larry's.  I had technical difficulties with my camera and didn't take any pictures - other than a few with my phone.  The kids fed the miniature horses.  We bowled in a tournament that benefited an animal shelter.  We went for a boat ride and fished.  So much fun and I didn't capture any of it.  That is so unlike me!

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