Monday, August 12, 2013

Jessie's Birthday Week

Jessie turned 17 yesterday (Sunday, August 11th).  It is hard to believe!  I really shouldn't make this about me, but gosh that really makes me feel old.  I was just a baby when she was born.  And, now she is 17.  It just doesn't seem right.

Jess believes in celebrating her birthday, let me tell ya.  Her Grandma and PawPaw Larry came in to town on Thursday night.  They were just staying one night to drop their dog off and get some sleep before heading to California.  I had planned to fix dinner for them, but we ended up with a birthday celebration at Chili's (Jess likes their black bean burger).

We went out again on Saturday to Giovanni's.  It is a hole-in-the-wall kind of place in Frisco.  I'm pretty sure that it has been here as long as we have. They serve Italian food and Jess loves their house dressing.  We enjoyed a simple dinner with good friends and sweet cousins.  We missed our dear friends, the Garstka's, but we were so glad that Ally was there.  I had my camera, but forgot to take pictures.  I have gotten so bad about that lately!

Last night, was her actual birthday, so we celebrated with a small dinner after church.  We had my parents over and a sweet family from Jessie's school.  We grilled burgers and hot dogs (a tofu burger for the birthday girl - yuck).  I told you that she can celebrate!

Jess enjoyed her Dr. Who birthday presents and a fun Mickey Mouse watch from Patrick.  And, of course, she loved all the money.  As her Great Grandma would say, it is her favorite color.

We were so glad that Patrick and his family could join us for dinner.  Patrick graduated in May and I know that Jess is going to miss him at St. Anthony's.  They live in Frisco, so we are going to try to make sure that they can hang out.

We want to thank everyone for making Jess feel so special.  I'm sorry for not being a better picture taker.  We love you all and I will vow to do better next year!

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