Thursday, August 29, 2013


I love Sundays... I really do.  They are just so peaceful.  Usually, the Sunday before school starts kills me.  Not this time.  Jess had already started school.  Jonathan's school supplies were safely tucked away in his locker.  The only prep work I did was to hang his clothes on his door and to make lunches the night before.

The rest of the night was spent enjoying a couple of rounds of Apples to Apples and a most interesting Family Home Evening.  Jonathan chose the topic - spending more time as a family.  The message came from President Uchtdorf and the For the Strength of the Youth pamphlet.  Then we brainstormed activities that we could do as a family, which is completely reminiscent of a FHE that we had at the beginning of the summer.  I think our problem is compromise!  We don't all enjoy the same activities.  I suggested a family bike ride.  Everyone remembered the off-road trail ride that we took and in unison declared, "NO!"  Jonathan wanted a board game and Jess said, No, but relented and we had a good time playing Apples to Apples for the rest of the evening.

No matter what activity you come up with, the message we came away with is that love is spelled T-I-M-E!  I just love that quote from President Uchtdorf.

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