Thursday, September 13, 2012

Teaching Moments

On 9/11, Jess and I had the opportunity to discuss the events that happened to our country 11 years ago.  She and I travel to Carrollton every morning, so we had plenty of uninterrupted time to talk about this special day. 

I told her about where I was when I heard and what it felt like.  We talked about how our Co-President and another co-worker were traveling and couldn't get back home. She told me what she remembered from that day.  She only remembered being in Mrs. Weeks' kindergarten class, and that some of her friends left early that day.  She never understood why she had to stay the full day.  That made me feel really bad that she could remember the stay-at-home moms coming to pick up their kids. I had to explain  that I was required to work the entire day.  She told me why she thought it happened.  It was a very special talk and I was so very glad that we were able to have.

Once we finished talking about 9/11, she asked me about Mitt Romney.  She was confused as to why he could be against bullying, yet he confessed to having bullied someone in high school.  This was a great conversation that I was so thankful for.  We talked about how so many of us make bad choices (big and small) in high school.  However, we can learn from those bad choices and make promises to never make those again. 

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