Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Jessie and I had craft night with the girls last week while the boys were camping.  We were so excited to make these awesome pumpkins.  One of the girls got the idea off of Pinterest (or Pin-interest as Angela calls it).  I have redone the polka-dots since this picture.  I had Angela giving me polka dot advice.  Angela is one of those friends that either has really awesome advice or really awful advice. 

I know that I am getting old, because Jess and I were out until after midnight and then we got home and didn't go to bed until 1:30.  I had a migraine for the rest of the weekend.  1:30 was an every Friday and Saturday occurance when I was in college.  Now, I can't even do it once in a blue moon.  So sad!  It was a fun night, though.

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