Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Signs of Spring

When I was a little girl, I remember asking my mom how I would know when Spring would arrive.  Her answer was simple, but confusing... "We would see signs of Spring."  My little girl mind literally thought that I would see billboards and signs in ditches declaring that spring had arrived.

On April 3rd, our family settled in to enjoy General Conference (a time when we can hear the words of our church's general authorities broadcast from Salt Lake City).  April's broadcast of General Conference always reminds me of Spring, and I thought about all of those "signs of spring."  I was inside watching the broadcast, so I didn't see your typical signs of Spring. No flowers blooming, but there were different tell-tale signs of Spring popping up all around our house.

Our humble little spring display let everyone know that it is Spring!

No conference day is complete without treats!  This day had the added benefit of these sweet spring plates and napkins.  I am always a sucker for plates and napkins that match the season.

Conference notes.  I am a note taker by nature, and I love to take conference notes.

You won't find any "people pictures."  We all spent the day in our pj's or sweats.  I respected the wishes of my kids and did not take any pictures of them during the day.  CRAZY... I know!  I love this beautiful Spring day.  I love the opportunity to listen to our general authorities.  I especially love the opportunity to listen to our dear, sweet President Monson!

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