Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

We started this morning out just like most every other family... with a visit from the Easter Bunny!  However, at 14 and 11, the kids' loot isn't nearly as fun as it was when they were little. 
We had quite the Easter celebration on Saturday.  I think Jonathan needed more sleep, before getting up on Sunday morning.  Just looking at this picture makes me yawn!
Jessie was fresh out of the shower!  She must have been pretty tired too... her shirt was on backwards.  I realized it over breakfast and pointed it out to her. 
Jessie wearing her Easter attire.  I didn't buy new Easter outfits this year.  I brought out Jessie's 2008 Easter skirt, and bought a new blouse to go with it. 
Jonathan is still looking tired in his picture.  He is sporting his new turquoise shirt that matches Jessie's skirt.
How sweet is this?
Me with my sweet kids!  And, no, I didn't have anything turquoise to wear. 

We had a great time with family on Saturday (I will write about that later), and then the we had fun checking out what the Easter Bunny brought on Sunday.  The best part of the weekend was going to church Sunday morning.  We had the opportunity to learn about the true meaning of Easter.  Each and every day I am thankful for the Atoning sacrifice of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  However, I especially love the reminders on Easter.  I hope that our faith has been renewed and our testimonies strengthened today. 

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