Monday, April 25, 2011

I Love My Family

Saturday was a day spent celebrating with family.  I love my family so much, and I am thankful for their influence in my life.  I took some special pictures, and wanted to share them here. 
Grandma - getting her to pose for a picture is like pulling teeth!
Uncle Joe and Dad - I love this picture!  Side by side taking pictures of the pinata fun.
Sweet little Cheyanne
Don't you just love little girls?  Mismatched flip flops and dirty feet!
Jonathan brought this butterfly net as one of the prizes.  He ended up picking his own prize.  Funny how that works.  I didn't quite expect him to put it on his head though.
Sitting on the tractor.  Jonathan was so intrigued with Randy's tractor.
The highlight of Jonathan's day came when Randy let him drive his tractor, and then later he got to drive it again with Grady.  Jonathan is already making plans to go visit Mamaw and Grady, so that he can drive Grady's tractor.
Uncle Joe has an armful of dogs.  We brought Mollie, because we thought she might have fun Auntie Jan and Uncle Joe's dog, Josie.
It is so embarassing when Mommy has to trim your ears.  Mollie has a double ear infection. She scratched her right ear until she had all of the hair matted.  I ended up having to cut both ears super short to match.  Cut is too nice of a word.  I whacked at the hair on Mollie's ears.  The groomer is going to be so mad at me!
Tired kiddos!
While we were missing our sweet Aunt Judy this weekend, I'm sure that she was watching us from Heaven.  I think I might have heard her laughing during the confetti egg fight!  Cheyanne inherited her Grandma Judy's luck, because she won $10 in the Easter egg hunt.  Judy was always our big winner, so it is only fitting that she passed her luck down to her granddaughter. 

I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family!

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