Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ramblings of a Frustrated Mom

My daughter has struggled this year.  Actually, we have all struggled this year.  She is adamant that she doesn't belong in the Frisco School District.  I honestly believe that she is correct.  I believe that her brother doesn't belong in the Frisco School District either.  Moving isn't the answer.  Plano, McKinney, Carrollton, Richardson School Districts.  They are all the same.  Mega School Districts.  Then you have Allen.  The ginormous, what-on-earth-could-they-be-thinking-except-that-they-want-to-be-the-best-in-every-sport school district.  Seriously, that school district would gobble my kids up and not even bother to spit them out.  At least Frisco spits them out after they are done with them.  Okay, so I don't really know anything about Allen except for the fact that they seem to be reluctant to split into multiple high schools.  One would assume that has to do with their award winning football team. I really shouldn't make such ugly statements without knowing anything about their Special Education program.

Jess got the idea that we should put her at Community where I grew up.  Going to a smaller school district isn't the answer.  Smaller school districts aren't going to be prepared to meet the needs of my kids.  I think that will especially be a problem now with all of the budget cuts.

So, what is the answer?  I started researching private schools for kids with learning disabilities.  What I learned is frustrating.  Basically, I can practically by a new car every year with the money that they charge in tuition!  Assuming that I can find a decent private school that I can afford, I will only have the funds to put Jess in.  Jonathan will have to wait. That is very frustrating to me.  But, I'm putting the cart before the horse, because I haven't even found a school that I can afford to put one child in yet!  I have found a school that looks promising that I think would be perfect for Jess.  I've emailed them and asked for their tuition schedule.  We will see what comes of it.  My hope and prayer is that I don't have to send Jess back to Centennial next year.

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