Thursday, January 3, 2013

Once In A Lifetime

Jonathan and Mrs. Jeanne
(along with Mrs. Jeanne's granddaughter, Kelly)

As a working parent, it only happens once in a lifetime that you find someone that gives your child the same love and care that you would.

When I was pregnant with Jessica, I researched and found a small, family owned and run daycare in Carrollton that was close to my office.  Oh, how we loved Sunset Oaks Academy and all of the sweet teachers that our kids had.  Jessica was loved and cared for from infancy until it was time to spread her wings and fly to Kindergarten.  Poor Jonathan was the youngest, and being the youngest, you have to follow the big sister.  He only managed 18 months under their loving care.  After Pre-K graduation, we said goodbye to our Sunset Oaks Academy and to all the wonderful teachers and headed to find an equally as wonderful daycare close to Jessica's school. 

We didn't fall in love with our first daycare in Frisco, but we did fall in love with Mrs. Jeanne.  She worked at the front desk.  Every afternoon I would come in to pick up Jonathan and he would be happily sitting in Mrs. Jeanne's lap.  They had a love affair like no other.  Mrs. Jeanne left our daycare, but she kept in touch.  She would come by and take Jonathan for an afternoon of fun.  Then, Fred was laid off, so we pulled Jonathan out of daycare.  Mrs. Jeanne's daughter, Angie, started watching Jonathan a couple of days a week so that Fred could hunt for a job.  Thankfully, Fred wasn't out of work for very long and Angie started keeping Jonathan full time.  Mrs. Jeanne and Jonathan were able to spend lots of time together.  Jonathan loved her so much.  She was so sweet and good to him and such a special person.  We were so lucky to find such a loving friend.

Angie moved to Princeton and we eventually lost touch with both Angie and Mrs. Jeanne.  Several years ago, we reconnected with Angie and her daughter, Kelly (who is Jessica's age) through the miracles of Facebook.

I was so sad to learn that our beloved Mrs. Jeanne passed away on New Years day.  I am thankful for the impact she had on my life.  She taught me so much about love.  She loved her children, grandchildren and even little squirts like Jonathan with everything that she had.  I will always be thankful for her example. 

Thank you Mrs. Jeanne for adopting our family when we needed a little extra love. 

1 comment:

Briana said...

My friend went to Sunset Oaks when he was younger! He's been trying to contact his kindergarten teacher there, but he only remembers that her last name was King. I know this is random and a bit of a longshot, but do you recall what her full name was?