Monday, January 28, 2013

I'm the...

I enjoy getting away and spending time with my friends.  We enjoyed a great trip back in October that I haven't documented.

One of the weird things about my friends is that sometimes they require that we wear matching shirts.  This year, Angela and Gracie teamed up and surprised us with the shirts.  We were really scared.  Honestly, we were told that the shirts were white and we might need to bring an undershirt in case they were see-through.  Well, that led us to believe that these shirts were handmade by them and they bought cheap shirts at Walmart.  I was a little afraid that puff paint was involved.  Turns out the shirts were really cute and they had professional help with the design and implementation (thank goodness). 

Each shirt was personalized for us.  Originally, we were led to believe that mine said "I'm the big busted one."  We thought Heather's said "I'm the bigger busted one" and Tanya's said "I'm the constipated one."  We kicked up a fuss, because ours were too embarassing to wear out in public and Angela and Gracie's were completely public worthy.  After letting us sweat for a few minutes, we realized that the shirts read as follows:

I'm the moral one

I'm the sarcastic one

I'm the witty one

I'm the clutzy one

I'm the loud one

 We were very relieved and had quite a few people look and smile at our shirts while we were out and about in Fredericksburg on Saturday.  We forgot to take pictures that morning, so we were exhausted when we finally took a group shot.  We also didn't have a tripod and we were fighting some really bad lighting in the house.  Plus, I didn't like one shot of me, because my belly looked huge and everyone else had issues with the other shots taken.  The one good shot was blurry. 

After a million and one tries, we finally got it though.

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