Saturday, January 19, 2013

New Adventures of Old Gracie

Our Gracie is 15 years old.  This is my first time to have a pet of such an advanced age.
She requires eye drops and arthritis meds daily.
She poops often and doesn't even know when she poops (or at least acts like it).
And, not to be forgotten, she now has to be taken out for "potty" time like a puppy.  I take her out on a leash and the entire neighborhood can hear me squealing in a sing-song voice, "C'mon Gracie, let's go tee-tee."  It is important to note that many years ago, I was potty training a toddler and a puppy at the same time.  I don't recommend "tee-tee" as your potty word for a dog.
We have a doggy door and have had one for the last 13 years.  During the cold snap, Gracie was having a lot of accidents, so I started taking her out in the backyard on a leash.  She has now come to expect it.  She won't even try to wiggle her old lady body through the doggy door.  Even Mollie knows that we will all go outside together every morning and every evening (and in between). 
This morning (Saturday), I was greeted at 6:30 am by both dogs.  Gracie was standing beside my bed staring daggers in me.  She never barks.  Just stares at me.  Finally, Mollie started whimpering.  I guess she thought she better help the old girl out.  Why do I have a doggy door, again?  I have now conditioned both my dogs to think that I will physically take them out in the backyard every morning - even on the weekends.  Gracie was hopping around, so I know she was feeling good and could very well have made it through her door. 
I just try to remember that this is only for a short time, and not-so-long from now I will miss my Gracie and these early mornings.

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