Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Celebrating Christmas on New Years Day

We celebrated Christmas with the Simmons family on New Years Day.

We had them over to our small and humble abode.  It was quite the full house.  We offered up Fred's award winning chili along with a new favorite, cucumber sandwiches.  The Simmons family brought queso, guacamole and bean dip to add to our non-traditional New Years Day feast.  It was ever-so yummy.

We opened presents, visited, played Kylie's new game and watched Jon and Kylie play Kinnect.  The big kids (Jess, Chris and Kaitlin) watched Pitch Perfect and Lauren read her latest find on her Nook.  I think she is racing to finish before school starts. 

And, I managed to take only one picture!  I guess my trigger finger was worn out as the holidays were coming to an end!

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