Monday, December 24, 2012

Shining Star

On December 16th, our Scouts had a Court of Honor.  Jonathan received the rank of Star.  It is very exciting.  If he stays on track, he should receive Life in about 6 months and then can receive his Eagle by 14.  But, of course, this all depends on the little man staying focused!  We are very proud of him and how far he has come over the last two years.  Cubs was such a beating for Jonathan that I never dreamed he would enjoy Boy Scouts so much.
It looks like we will be quite the Scouting family.  Fred is our Scoutmaster and, of course, Jonathan is on the trail to Eagle.  However, during the committee meeting, I raised my hand and volunteered to be the Summer Camp Coordinator.  Which just means that I will take the responsibility off of Fred for pestering the parents for the deposits and funds for Scout camp.
I am so pleased and proud of both Jonathan and Fred for their participation in Scouts and can't wait to see how they both progress.

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