Saturday, December 8, 2012

Season of Joy: Day 8

Christmas Scents
I am loving the smells of Christmas candles at my house.  I was sad to say goodbye to Thanksgiving and my favorite pumpkin spice candle.  It ran its course just as November came to a close.  Now we are working on this yummy "Christmas Treats" scented candle.  It isn't nearly as yummiful as pumpkin, but it will certainly work.  Yankee Candle is our favorite (When I say our - I really mean mine.  Everyone else is just along for the ride.)  I have a "scensitive" noggin' - pun intended - so I have to be careful on which scents I choose.  It can't be too strong and it pretty much has to be a "food" scent.  Other than that, I just love the smell of Christmas!

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