Sunday, December 23, 2012

Season of Joy: Day 23

Gift Bag Fail!
I have about a bazillion gift bags.  I decided that I was going to bag up every single gift and that I was only going to wrap the gifts for my kids.  I was tired and I was going to take the easy way out.  I had so many bags and they were annoying me.  I finally pulled every single one out and started sorting through them, so that I could decide which ones to keep and which ones to toss.  And, then I found this bag that had a tag from my Aunt Judy.  She died 2 years ago in November.
Don't you just hate finding things like that?  I thought about crying, but instead I listened to an Elvis Christmas song in her honor and kept going. 
We love our Aunt Judy and wish she could be with us, but Heavenly Father had other plans for her.

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