Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Organization Skills of a 7th Grader

Jonathan absolutely loves his accordion file.  We suggested it last year when he couldn't stay organized, but he refused.  He had a million reasons why it wouldn't work.  Finally, he agreed to give it a try and now it is the only way he can keep himself together. 
Last year's accordion file fell apart, so I had to buy him a new one.  Everywhere we went we looked at accordion files, but none were exactly like the one he used last year.  We bought last year's accordion file at The Container Store, so the Saturday before school started we said a little prayer that The Container Store still had these accordion files and off we went for last minute shopping.  We had to pick out this one, because it had enough slots so that he could have two slots per class - one for notes and one for assignments and then an extra for notebook paper.  We also had to stick with black, because we are a creature of habit.
The notebook paper slot seems to get us in trouble a little bit.  That is a catch-all for those pesky notices that come home for Mom.  School pictures and band fundraisers have gone there to die.  If he can learn to give me those notices that he brings home in the notebook paper slot, then I think we will have mastered Organization 101.  Go, Jonathan!

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