Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thank Ye

Thanksgiving marked the two year anniversary of the day that my Aunt Judy passed away.  We were going to be out of town on Thanksgiving, so we decided to stop by the cemetery on our way out of town on Wednesday.  I had a special, but slightly cheesy memorial planned.  However, there was a crazy mix-up with  the flowers.  I had forgotten to go to Hobby Lobby for flowers.  Fred was really upset that we weren't bringing flowers and he felt really strongly that we needed to stop and get flowers.  He stopped at Brookshires to get live flowers (which I didn't think was a good idea, but could tell how determined Fred was).  While there, I told Fred that I didn't think we should get any, because they were really picked over.  Fred, again, was seriously determined about these flowers.  So, we bought two bunches of yellow flowers.  They were bland and boring, but that was all they had.  When we arrived at the cemetery, we realized that my mom had already put beautiful silk arrangement in the little vase that sets on her grave.  Again, I told Fred that we needed to not use our flowers.  I told him that we should look for someone that didn't have any flowers in their little vase.  But, Fred was determined that Judy should have HIS flowers.  He began "lobbing" his flowers in the middle of moms.  I kept telling him that my mom was going to kill us, but he kept lobbing his flowers in the middle of her arrangement.  I could tell that he didn't care that he was messing up her arrangement, so I tried to tastefully work our flowers in.  Seeing that these flowers were causing me great distress, he called my mom to let her know what we were doing.  She must have thought we were crazy.  I can just hear Judy saying, "Thank ye.  Thank ye, Fred."  I wasn't saying that at all, because I was wanting to strangle him at that point and time.  Now, I think it is really sweet that he was so determined to put flowers on my aunt's grave.

After I got over the flower catastrophe, we said a prayer and played Aunt Judy's favorite hymn, "How Great Thou Art," by Elvis.  It was a really special moment and Jess and I were really feeling it until the boys starting talking during our hymn.  Oh well.  You can only do so much!  We tried to make it a special moment.  And, for the most part, we succeeded.

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