Sunday, November 25, 2012

Gratitude: Day 25

I'm grateful for my sweet friend, Susan. I am so lucky to have her as a friend and our Beehives were very blessed to have her as an adviser.  She is awesome!  She is the most amazing woman I know.  She stepped in and served our family when we were in need.  We were struggling and I could have asked for help from the women of our church, but I didn't.  It was just something I couldn't bring myself to do.  Susan knew our predicament and began picking Jess up twice a week after school until we were able to send her to residential treatment.  She didn't just hang out with her on  those days, they baked the most amazing treats and played with Susan's sweet grandbaby.  Jessica treasured her relationship with Susan and those wonderful days were so special to her.  The Fortenberry's love Susan and our Beehives love Susan.  She is so special!

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