Thursday, November 1, 2012


We hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween yesterday.  Against my better judgement, we ventured to Allen to enjoy this wonderful holiday.  We gathered at our friends, the Garstka's, and had chili, pizza and candy.  Again, Jess didn't let me take her picture.  This time she wore Fred's Troy Aikman jersey and Cowboy cap.  She painted her face and went as a football fan.  She wasn't very orginal, but very cute.  Jonathan hung out with Aunt Angel and crew for a little while, but didn't last the entire time.  Aunt Angel is a marathon trick-or-treater.  This is her holiday and her sport.  Jess went with Aunt Angel and crew for a few minutes, but then caught up with cousins Chris and Kylie and spent the evening with them.  I guess you are never too old to beg for candy.
Jonathan isn't a big trick-or-treater.  He is happy to hit just a few houses, but those few houses had better offer quality candy.  Jonathan was extremely put out that a local dentist offered up a toothbrush and toothpaste.  He was also upset that someone was giving out popcorn.  He thought that they forgot to buy candy and just opened up their cabinets and started handing out popcorn.  However, when I told him that he couldn't have anymore candy last night, he was happy to eat the bag of pretzels that he received.  I am not sure why pretzels made an acceptable treat, but popcorn didn't.
We had a great night and even made it home before 10:00 (which made me very thankful). 

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