Monday, November 5, 2012

Little Seeds

Fred, Todd and Tony
Missionary Moments at Scout Camp

Sunday was a special day for the Fortenberry Family.  Fred is officially a Melchizedek Priesthood holder in our church.  (To learn more about it you can read here.)  To say that it is a big deal is an understatement.  He was sustained during Stake Conference last Sunday and the ordination was yesterday. 

Fred was an inactive member when I met him.  I was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 13 years ago.  For 12 of those years, I was alone in my cause to teach my kids the gospel.  Little by little Fred's heart was turned. 

I had hoped and prayed that he would come back to church.  But, I am living proof that it takes more than a woman's love to bring a husband back to church.  We held family home evenings, family prayers and read scriptures in front of Fred (without being obnoxious).  We sometimes laid his church clothes out... just in case he wanted to join us.  We invited him to Primary programs and church activities.  The great thing about Fred is that he is very social.  He participated in the social aspects of church - he just didn't want to attend on Sundays.  He said it was too boring.

While I hoped and prayed, there were others planting little seeds and some planting bigger seeds.  Those seeds would prove to be much more important than anything that the kids and I would do at home.  I have so many people to thank for their support over the last 13 years.

Thank you to three special Bishops.  Bishop Dotter (now President Dotter) and Bishop Friend who took the time to get to know Fred and encourage him.  And, thank you to Bishop Platt who took the time to encourage me when it looked like I would never have my husband sit beside me in sacrament.

Thank you to wonderful Home Teachers that visited and befriended Fred.  To Brother Krueger for visiting month after month and talking about sports, because he knew that is what Fred needed and wanted to hear at that point.  He knew Fred needed a friend more than the lesson.  He also invited Fred to play basketball at church and sometimes I wondered if that would be the only way we would get him in church.  Thank you to Brother Holmes and his son, Nelson who also faithfully visited each month.  They brought a lesson each month... sometimes it was geared more for the kids, but they always made sure that Fred was there listening.  Fred was now ready to hear the lesson.  Did they know that he would one day come back to church?  Maybe not, but they kept planting seeds.

Thank you to my sweet Visiting Teachers, Mary and Tiffany.  They have been my Visiting Teachers for a long time and Fred adores them.  I sometimes get frustrated, because they come to visit me and Fred hogs all of their time.  Apparently, he didn't get the memo that Visiting Teachers visit the sisters in the home.  Their faithful visits also planted little seeds with Fred.

Thank you to Amy Gorgueiro (or Sister G as she is known in our family).  She was truly an inspired Primary President who put Fred's name in for Assistant Scout Leader.  I think that we owe her the biggest debt of gratitude.  All of these seeds wouldn't have taken root if he hadn't started working with the Scouts.  Accepting the calling is really what got the ball rolling. 

Thank you to a crazy bunch of 11 year old boys (who are now Deacons) for encouraging their leader and being mini-missionaries.  They invited him to church and cheered him on all along the way. 

Thank you to the leaders in the Young Men's organization for their example.  They have taken Fred in and taught him so much.

Thank you to the people that are too numerous to mention.  If you said hello to Fred in the halls of the church or spent time with him at Scout camp or discussed your Deacon with him (Bros. Shipley, Armstrong, Ross and Goodman - just to name a few).  Thank you.  You planted seeds, as well.

And, finally, a very special thank you to Todd Gschwend and Tony Palmer.  Their friendship is really what pulled it all together.  They are two men that Fred really admires and aspires to be like.  He got to know them through the Scouting program.  They really encouraged him and showed him that church doesn't have to be boring.  Thanks to their friendship and missionary work, Fred finally made the leap to start coming back to church last November. 

The lesson that I have learned is that it can seem like our efforts are going unrewarded when we offer friendship to an inactive member of the church.  However, we just need to be patient.  Keep planting those seeds.  Sometimes those seeds require longer than we would like before they take root and grow. 

1 comment:

Susan said...

Donna - you are an inspiration to me and have been a strength when I struggle. Thank you for sharing your appreciation and testimony.
I adore you and I am so grateful I got the benefit of your testimony and love of our Savior Jesus Christ.
You are truly a chosen daughter of God.