Friday, November 30, 2012

Gratitude: Day 30

I am grateful for our blog.  It serves so many purposes.  It is an online photo album.  It is a family record.  It is a personal journal that is on display for the world.  It is a place for family and friends to keep up with our family.  It is a place for me to dump my thoughts and feelings.  I am so thankful that I have a place to record the life of The Fortenberry Four!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Gratitude: Day 29

I am grateful for the treatment that my daughter was able to receive last winter.  It was hard to have her away from us for 2 1/2 months, but it was so worth it.  She is doing so much better.  I love to see her smile, laugh and have fun.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Gratitude: Day 28

I am grateful for the scriptures.  I love that we can find the answers that we seek in the scriptures.  My personal favorite scripture is Alma 7:11.

And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people.

This scripture speaks to my heart.  I know that my Savior has felt every pain and every affliction that I have felt.  It gives me comfort when times are hard.  I wouldn't know this if it weren't for the scriptures.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Packing 101

Jonathan's Bag

We went to Arkansas for Thanksgiving.  The kids were 100% in charge of packing themselves. 

Wouldn't you say that one of these packers is better than the other?

Jessica's Pile of Clothes

Gratitude: Day 27

I am grateful for music.  I love to listen to music and wish that I had time to listen to it more often.

My favorite Christmas Song is O Holy Night.   Every year, I download a new version to listen to.  However, for the last several years, my favorite two versions have been Marie Osmond and David Archuletta (I seem to be partial to the LDS artists).    However, this year, Martina McBride's rendition is the clear front runner.   Everyone should download it and listen to it this season!

Now, for my second tip of the day.  I love the hymn, How Great Thou Art.  Check out Carrie Underwood's rendition of the hymn.  I guarantee that you will be moved to tears.  I am not a huge Carrie Underwood fan, but this is definitely a 'can't miss' song.

There you have it... Donna's music tips of the day!

Monday, November 26, 2012


We went to Arkansas to visit Fred's family for Thanksgiving.  We left on Wednesday morning and got back Saturday night.   The visit was short, but we had a nice time.  I only managed to take a few pictures.  We were all grateful that we got to visit with Grandpa Goyer twice on the trip and wish we had been able to hook up with Dawn and her family.  Thank you, Lois and Larry, for letting us come and stay with you!

The trees at the rest stop in Gurdon.  I love to make a pit stop here, so that I can inhale the awesome smell of the trees.  I took this picture through my window, because it was chilly!

Grandma and PawPaw Larry own a bowling ally, so we were able to bowl twice during our stay.  I managed to remember some of my bowling skills from my college bowling class.  Jess was sporting fake nails that she was afraid of breaking, so she went with the ever-popular granny bowl.

We also got to stop by and feed Grandma and PawPaw Larry's animals while we were there. I stayed in the car. It was too cold for me. The horses are fun, but I really do not like the pigeons. If it had been warmer, I would have gotten out to see the horses.

Fun times!

Gratitude: Day 26

I am grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ.  I am so thankful that through his atoning sacrifice he has already felt all of my hurts and pains before me.  I am not a perfect person.  I am thankful that I can kneel in prayer and repent for my sins.  It is humbling to know that Heavenly Father loves us so much that he gave his only begotten son.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thank Ye

Thanksgiving marked the two year anniversary of the day that my Aunt Judy passed away.  We were going to be out of town on Thanksgiving, so we decided to stop by the cemetery on our way out of town on Wednesday.  I had a special, but slightly cheesy memorial planned.  However, there was a crazy mix-up with  the flowers.  I had forgotten to go to Hobby Lobby for flowers.  Fred was really upset that we weren't bringing flowers and he felt really strongly that we needed to stop and get flowers.  He stopped at Brookshires to get live flowers (which I didn't think was a good idea, but could tell how determined Fred was).  While there, I told Fred that I didn't think we should get any, because they were really picked over.  Fred, again, was seriously determined about these flowers.  So, we bought two bunches of yellow flowers.  They were bland and boring, but that was all they had.  When we arrived at the cemetery, we realized that my mom had already put beautiful silk arrangement in the little vase that sets on her grave.  Again, I told Fred that we needed to not use our flowers.  I told him that we should look for someone that didn't have any flowers in their little vase.  But, Fred was determined that Judy should have HIS flowers.  He began "lobbing" his flowers in the middle of moms.  I kept telling him that my mom was going to kill us, but he kept lobbing his flowers in the middle of her arrangement.  I could tell that he didn't care that he was messing up her arrangement, so I tried to tastefully work our flowers in.  Seeing that these flowers were causing me great distress, he called my mom to let her know what we were doing.  She must have thought we were crazy.  I can just hear Judy saying, "Thank ye.  Thank ye, Fred."  I wasn't saying that at all, because I was wanting to strangle him at that point and time.  Now, I think it is really sweet that he was so determined to put flowers on my aunt's grave.

After I got over the flower catastrophe, we said a prayer and played Aunt Judy's favorite hymn, "How Great Thou Art," by Elvis.  It was a really special moment and Jess and I were really feeling it until the boys starting talking during our hymn.  Oh well.  You can only do so much!  We tried to make it a special moment.  And, for the most part, we succeeded.

Gratitude: Day 25

I'm grateful for my sweet friend, Susan. I am so lucky to have her as a friend and our Beehives were very blessed to have her as an adviser.  She is awesome!  She is the most amazing woman I know.  She stepped in and served our family when we were in need.  We were struggling and I could have asked for help from the women of our church, but I didn't.  It was just something I couldn't bring myself to do.  Susan knew our predicament and began picking Jess up twice a week after school until we were able to send her to residential treatment.  She didn't just hang out with her on  those days, they baked the most amazing treats and played with Susan's sweet grandbaby.  Jessica treasured her relationship with Susan and those wonderful days were so special to her.  The Fortenberry's love Susan and our Beehives love Susan.  She is so special!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Gratitude: Day 24

I am grateful for strong and healthy bodies that let us participate in fun and challenging activities.  Our bodies are a blessing and we should treat them as such.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Gratitude: Day 23

I am grateful for my job.  I am so thankful that I have a place to go to work everyday.  I am thankful for the people that I work with.  They are wonderful examples to me.  We have started a prayer group at work.  There is a small group of women that meet once a month and pray for those in our company that need an extra prayer and we pray for the continued health of our company.  I will admit that it is a little strange, because they use some different terminology than I do, but overall it has been a wonderful experience.  There have also been groups that have put together care packages for those Associates in need.  Seeing the morale increase has been a wonderful thing.  The best part has been seeing how we step up and take care of one another.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gratitude: Day 22

On this Thanksgiving day, I am grateful for my sweet Aunt Judy.  She left this eartly world 2 years ago today.  Heavenly Father took the sweetest member of our family.  She had a heart of gold and loved every person she met.  She was always quick to help and quick to be a friend.

We miss and love her so much!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Gratitude: Day 21

I am grateful for the temple and all of the beautiful ordinances that are performed there.  I know that our family will be sealed in the temple one day soon and I am very excited for that day.  I have been waiting for the last 13 years.  I can't wait!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Gratitude: Day 20

I am grateful for fun family moments.  I love spending time with my family and adore my husband and kids.  I used to call these types of adventures... Fortenberry Four Family Fun Days.  My kids asked me not to give our fun days a name and I am absolutely not allowed to call it that in public.  Regardless of what you call it, I love family adventures with my family of four.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Gratitude: Day 19

I am grateful for my sweet friends.  They make me laugh, they uplift me and they help me to be a better person.  I love the time that I spend with them.  They are all beautiful individuals.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Gratitude: Day 18

I am grateful for the beauty that is all around us.  We should all make a point to take time to smell the flowers, watch a sunrise or a sunset, and just take in all the beauty that Heavenly Father has blessed us with.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Gratitude: Day 17

I am grateful for family friends.  These kids belong to friends that we have had for years.  They are precious to me and my kids adore them.
These kids are sweet, loving, happy and silly.  They are so special and wonderful... I don't know what we would do without them.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Gratitude: Day 16

I am grateful for the beautiful creatures that populate the earth.  (There are some members of my family that seem to enjoy animals more than some people.)  I am always thankful when I get to see some of the magnificent animals that Heavenly Father has blessed us with. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gratitude: Day 15

I am grateful for the Young Women's program.  I am grateful that I had the opportunity to serve these sweet girls and I am thankful for the blessings that they brought to my life.  I am also thankful for the blessings that they bring to Jessica's life.  I miss them so much!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Gratitude: Day 14

I am grateful for the music program.  I love to hear Jonathan practicing his tuba and I love to see him perform with the band.  I think that band is a way for the youth to spend their time.  I am so thankful that he chose that as his elective.  This is something that will allow him to grow and learn.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Gratitude: Day 13

I am thankful for the Scouting program.  It has been such a blessing to Jonathan and especially to Fred.  Working with Jonathan's group in Scouts is what brought him back to church.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Gratitude: Day 12

I am grateful for my cousin, Tammy!  She is the only female cousin I have.  I am the only girl on my dad's side.  On my mom's side, it is all boys except for Tammy and I.  I have always looked up to her and thought she was a cool cousin.  I wanted to do everything that she did.

I am thankful that Tammy is a sweet, wonderful and laid-back mom.  During our annual Easter celebration, my son was practicing his swing for the bunny pinata.  Tammy's little girl, Cheyanne, walked right into Jonathan's swing.  To say that we felt horrible is an understatement.  We waited while Cheyanne went to the ER to have her head glued together.  I was devastated that we had accidentally hurt little Cheyanne.  My sweet cousin just gave me a hug and told me that it was OK.  I am very lucky to have such an awesome cousin.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Gratitude: Day 11

I am thankful for my Auntie Jan and Uncle Joe.  December through February was hard for our family and took us to the Austin area every other weekend.  Auntie Jan and Uncle Joe opened up their home to us.  It was a hard time, but it was also a growing, learning and uplifting time.  Even though life was hard for us, we had so much fun during those visits.  We played games, ate good food and enjoyed some very enlightening talks.
Thank you, Auntie Jan and Uncle Joe.  We love you so much and always have tons of fun each time we come to visit you.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Gratitude: Day 10

I am grateful for loving pets that drive us crazy and make us smile.  I spend more time cleaning up after them than I do the kids, but I don't know what I would do without them.  They lick faces when we are sad and do crazy things to make us laugh.

We have one that is geriatric and one that is a senior.  In the not so distant future, we will be down to just our little Mollie.  It is hard to believe that these animals have been a part of our lives for so long. 

We love you... Gracie, Mollie and Princess.  Thank you for all the joy you bring to our lives.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Gratitude: Day 9

I am grateful for Fred's family.  I am thankful that my kids have cousins (along with their sweet parents) nearby that they get to occasionally see.  They adore their cousins and love the opportunity to visit with them.  Busy lives have made it hard to see them as often as we would like, but we always enjoy time with them.

We are thankful for grandparents that are willing to make the trek in from Arkansas to visit us.  We used to make sure that we visited at least once a year, but circumstances have eaten up vacation time.  They have been sweet to compensate and come this way.  We appreciate the time that they spend with our kids.

We are all lucky to have such wonderful family.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Gratitude: Day 8

I am grateful for my Grandma!  They don't make them any better (or feistier) than my Grandma.  She makes me laugh every time I visit her.

Last time I visited her she told me that she was more than halfway for Romney and we should go vote for Romney.  I later learned that she had already voted and I'm pretty sure that she didn't vote Romney.  I think she was just trying to make me feel good.

She also calls me skinny.  Anyone that wants to think I'm skinny is my favorite.  (Just a little hint for each of you.)

I am blessed to have such a wonderful Grandma.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Organization Skills of a 7th Grader

Jonathan absolutely loves his accordion file.  We suggested it last year when he couldn't stay organized, but he refused.  He had a million reasons why it wouldn't work.  Finally, he agreed to give it a try and now it is the only way he can keep himself together. 
Last year's accordion file fell apart, so I had to buy him a new one.  Everywhere we went we looked at accordion files, but none were exactly like the one he used last year.  We bought last year's accordion file at The Container Store, so the Saturday before school started we said a little prayer that The Container Store still had these accordion files and off we went for last minute shopping.  We had to pick out this one, because it had enough slots so that he could have two slots per class - one for notes and one for assignments and then an extra for notebook paper.  We also had to stick with black, because we are a creature of habit.
The notebook paper slot seems to get us in trouble a little bit.  That is a catch-all for those pesky notices that come home for Mom.  School pictures and band fundraisers have gone there to die.  If he can learn to give me those notices that he brings home in the notebook paper slot, then I think we will have mastered Organization 101.  Go, Jonathan!

Gratitude: Day 7

I am grateful for this precious little pumpkin that makes me smile each time I see her.  It is amazing that she remembers our name and gives us hugs and kisses like she sees us everyday.  She never seems to have to warm up to us.  Just knows exactly who we are.  She is a happy little thing who rarely gets cross ways (Jeff and Emma might tell a different story), but that's the story that this doting aunt is telling.
Jessie, Jonathan and I are so very thankful and love little Lainey so much... even if she loves "Uncle Fre" the most.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Cockles of My Heart

Jess and Cousin Cheyanne - Easter 2012
There was a time that I felt dread when parent/teacher conference time would roll around. Now that Jess is in a school that is suited to her needs, I no longer feel that dread. I have been trying to hook up with Jessica’s teacher for quite a while now. Mr. Nathan was booked on the official day of conferences, but assured me that she was doing well. We finally found the perfect day to talk via phone.

 I was told that she was doing amazingly well and that she had the great ability to remove herself from the chaos of the room and find a quiet place to work. She didn’t need to sit by her friends and socialize. She understands that she needs quiet to work and that sitting near some of the “Chatty Kathy’s” will not allow her to finish her work. She is doing a great job academically with one exception. She is struggling in Algebra II. I apologized to the teacher and explained that my husband is super smart in math and I am not. My son inherited Dad’s math gene and Jess inherited mine.

 We discussed Jessica’s great ability to empathize and sympathize with others. I told Mr. Nathan that Jess had been very upset about a boy in her class (we will call him T). She felt that the other students were being unkind to him, teasing him, taunting him and trying to see if they could get him to act out. Jess was really angry when she told me about her peers’ behavior on Friday. She told me that she had sat with him and played a game with him, and it had made T feel really good that she had done this. Afterwards, T had thanked Jess and whoever else had sat with him. He was touched because he knew that these students probably didn’t connect with the type of games that he likes to play, but they did it for him. It really touched Jess’ heart that he felt so alone that he had to be so thankful to anyone that would just sit and spend time with him.

 I heard the story from Mr. Nathan’s point of view. He told me that T is the kind of boy that stays home on Friday nights playing Dungeons and Dragons and has few friends. Jess wanted him to feel that he was as special as the boys who were outside playing football. He said that she probably didn’t enjoy playing the game and she would have probably rather been outside with her friends. But, she did it because she is a very caring person. She genuinely cares about people. Not only is that is why she wants to be a teacher, but that is why she is going to be really good teacher. He said that she can work with and be friends with all types of kids (and there are many types at her school) and it all stems from her amazing ability to care about others and their feelings.

 At the end of the day, it is more than the academics, it is empathy and sympathy that you hope that your child has learned. It warms the cockles of this mom’s heart to hear that my daughter has a beautiful, kind, sweet and loving heart.

Gratitude: Day 6

I am grateful for my brother and his sweet wife.  I am proud of their service in the Army and I am proud of how they are raising my precious niece, Lainey.  I am thankful for their love and support during hard times.  We love you, Jeff and Emma.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Little Seeds

Fred, Todd and Tony
Missionary Moments at Scout Camp

Sunday was a special day for the Fortenberry Family.  Fred is officially a Melchizedek Priesthood holder in our church.  (To learn more about it you can read here.)  To say that it is a big deal is an understatement.  He was sustained during Stake Conference last Sunday and the ordination was yesterday. 

Fred was an inactive member when I met him.  I was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 13 years ago.  For 12 of those years, I was alone in my cause to teach my kids the gospel.  Little by little Fred's heart was turned. 

I had hoped and prayed that he would come back to church.  But, I am living proof that it takes more than a woman's love to bring a husband back to church.  We held family home evenings, family prayers and read scriptures in front of Fred (without being obnoxious).  We sometimes laid his church clothes out... just in case he wanted to join us.  We invited him to Primary programs and church activities.  The great thing about Fred is that he is very social.  He participated in the social aspects of church - he just didn't want to attend on Sundays.  He said it was too boring.

While I hoped and prayed, there were others planting little seeds and some planting bigger seeds.  Those seeds would prove to be much more important than anything that the kids and I would do at home.  I have so many people to thank for their support over the last 13 years.

Thank you to three special Bishops.  Bishop Dotter (now President Dotter) and Bishop Friend who took the time to get to know Fred and encourage him.  And, thank you to Bishop Platt who took the time to encourage me when it looked like I would never have my husband sit beside me in sacrament.

Thank you to wonderful Home Teachers that visited and befriended Fred.  To Brother Krueger for visiting month after month and talking about sports, because he knew that is what Fred needed and wanted to hear at that point.  He knew Fred needed a friend more than the lesson.  He also invited Fred to play basketball at church and sometimes I wondered if that would be the only way we would get him in church.  Thank you to Brother Holmes and his son, Nelson who also faithfully visited each month.  They brought a lesson each month... sometimes it was geared more for the kids, but they always made sure that Fred was there listening.  Fred was now ready to hear the lesson.  Did they know that he would one day come back to church?  Maybe not, but they kept planting seeds.

Thank you to my sweet Visiting Teachers, Mary and Tiffany.  They have been my Visiting Teachers for a long time and Fred adores them.  I sometimes get frustrated, because they come to visit me and Fred hogs all of their time.  Apparently, he didn't get the memo that Visiting Teachers visit the sisters in the home.  Their faithful visits also planted little seeds with Fred.

Thank you to Amy Gorgueiro (or Sister G as she is known in our family).  She was truly an inspired Primary President who put Fred's name in for Assistant Scout Leader.  I think that we owe her the biggest debt of gratitude.  All of these seeds wouldn't have taken root if he hadn't started working with the Scouts.  Accepting the calling is really what got the ball rolling. 

Thank you to a crazy bunch of 11 year old boys (who are now Deacons) for encouraging their leader and being mini-missionaries.  They invited him to church and cheered him on all along the way. 

Thank you to the leaders in the Young Men's organization for their example.  They have taken Fred in and taught him so much.

Thank you to the people that are too numerous to mention.  If you said hello to Fred in the halls of the church or spent time with him at Scout camp or discussed your Deacon with him (Bros. Shipley, Armstrong, Ross and Goodman - just to name a few).  Thank you.  You planted seeds, as well.

And, finally, a very special thank you to Todd Gschwend and Tony Palmer.  Their friendship is really what pulled it all together.  They are two men that Fred really admires and aspires to be like.  He got to know them through the Scouting program.  They really encouraged him and showed him that church doesn't have to be boring.  Thanks to their friendship and missionary work, Fred finally made the leap to start coming back to church last November. 

The lesson that I have learned is that it can seem like our efforts are going unrewarded when we offer friendship to an inactive member of the church.  However, we just need to be patient.  Keep planting those seeds.  Sometimes those seeds require longer than we would like before they take root and grow. 

Gratitude: Day 5

Jeff, Lainey and MaMaw
stolen/borrowed without permission from Mom's Shutterfly

I am grateful for my mom.  She is MaMaw extraordinaire.  She can sew or make anything.  So many costumes for school plays and church dresses she has made.  She helps out at a moments notice.  She has babysat, let my kids spend the night and taken them to the doctor for me.  She has taught me more about service than anyone I know.  When I think of my mom, one word comes to mind... LOVE.  I hope that I can grow up to be just like her (minus all that sewing business).

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Gratitude: Day 4

I am grateful for my dad.  He has taught me so many things, but mostly I am thankful that he has always enjoyed doing things with me.  He took me to concerts when I was 12, helped with endless math assignments, fixed anything and everything.  Even today, he still likes to head out on an adventure whether it is hiking, kayaking or indoor rock climbing (I hope our Groupons haven't expired, Dad).  My dad is always there for me... especially when I need help with those hard things in life.  This is a lesson that I learned so well last December when he took a trip to Austin with Jess and I.
I love you, Dad!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Gratitude: Day 3

I am thankful for a new school!  Jess received her report card this week.  We are so happy with her progress at her new school.  All A's and B's.  She is doing really well and her teachers are very pleased with her.  She is helping the younger kids with dyslexia and really likes to work with special needs kids.  She has developed a sweet relationship with two little elementary kids that she sees everyday at the aftercare program.  They absolutely adore her.
Great job, Jessica.  We are very proud of you!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Gratitude: Days 1 and 2

Fortenberry Four Family Fun from 2007

Day 1:  I am grateful for my husband.  He is an awesome guy and I should tell him more. 

Day 2:  I am grateful for my kids.  Being a parent is the most rewarding and the hardest thing I have ever done.  I sure wish they came with some sort of user manual, though.  I wouldn't trade them for anything.

Flashback Friday: Rockin' Times at the Roller Rink

Back in 2007, Jessie and Ally took a roller skating class.  They were too cute for words and it is hard to believe Jess' hair was so long.  I don't remember much about that day except that it was incredibly relaxing to hang out with my friend while our girls were doing it up old school on the roller skates.  I also remember needing to bring thick socks and Jess working up one serious sweat. They had so much fun that it was a shame they weren't born in a different era. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012


We hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween yesterday.  Against my better judgement, we ventured to Allen to enjoy this wonderful holiday.  We gathered at our friends, the Garstka's, and had chili, pizza and candy.  Again, Jess didn't let me take her picture.  This time she wore Fred's Troy Aikman jersey and Cowboy cap.  She painted her face and went as a football fan.  She wasn't very orginal, but very cute.  Jonathan hung out with Aunt Angel and crew for a little while, but didn't last the entire time.  Aunt Angel is a marathon trick-or-treater.  This is her holiday and her sport.  Jess went with Aunt Angel and crew for a few minutes, but then caught up with cousins Chris and Kylie and spent the evening with them.  I guess you are never too old to beg for candy.
Jonathan isn't a big trick-or-treater.  He is happy to hit just a few houses, but those few houses had better offer quality candy.  Jonathan was extremely put out that a local dentist offered up a toothbrush and toothpaste.  He was also upset that someone was giving out popcorn.  He thought that they forgot to buy candy and just opened up their cabinets and started handing out popcorn.  However, when I told him that he couldn't have anymore candy last night, he was happy to eat the bag of pretzels that he received.  I am not sure why pretzels made an acceptable treat, but popcorn didn't.
We had a great night and even made it home before 10:00 (which made me very thankful).