Monday, December 31, 2012

Hats and Scarves

While going through my pictures from Christmas Eve, I found a very definite theme.  Take a look and see if you can find two common elements.

Auntie Jan ever so stylish in her scarf
Jonathan not-so stylish in his hat

Jonathan and the Santa/Snowman hat

Jessie's new monkey hat from Auntie Jan and Uncle Joe

Cheyanne modeling a scarf that MaMaw made

Lainey - not sure what she is doing with her scarf

Emma with her new scarf and Jonathan with his bulldog hat from Auntie Jan and Uncle Joe

Hats and scarves!  We must love them in our family!

Season of Joy: Day 31

Lainey and Uncle Fred

Lainey loves her Uncle Fred.  She loves him more than the rest of us.  I guess no one told her that Aunt Donna is the one that picked out her Cinderella toy and wrapped it.  Or, that Jonathan, Jessie and Aunt Donna are all available to play with her at a moments notice.  It really doesn't matter to her, because the two minutes that Fred plays with her are worth more than the hours that the rest of us spend with her.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Season of Joy: Day 30

Jessie's Favorite Gift!
Life is perfect... Pitch Perfect!   Jess went to see this movie twice at the theaters and that is all she talked about.  Then she put in a special request for the movie.  I happened to be at Walmart when the guy was unboxing them.  He literally took one out of the box and handed it to me.  How exciting!  We watched it twice on Christmas day.  Once before we went to MaMaw and Grady's and once after we got home!

Forthman Fun

We enjoyed a wonderful Christmas celebration with MaMaw and Grady along with Uncle Jeffrey, Aunt Emma and Lainey.  We gathered on Christmas day and opened presents, ate and visited!
Lainey liked the awesome Little People Cinderella and coach that we got her for Christmas.  It was something that Jess would have loved, but wasn't sure if Lainey would like it.  Thankfully, she played with it all afternoon.
We got MaMaw a Vera Bradley bag for knitting/crocheting or whatever else she bags up.
We got Dad a Route 66 book and Fred picked out an array of hot sauces.
Dad was completely shocked by the computer that Jeff and Emma got them for Christmas!
Jess and Jonathan enjoyed their stocking goodness!
I guess I didn't get pictures of Fred, Jeff or Emma!  I promise... they were there and enjoyed their Christmas!  Thank you so much for a wonderful Christmas.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Game On!

We celebrated Christmas with the Bond side of the family on Christmas Eve.

It was a crazy get together that involved games, food and loud family members!
We were so happy to have
MaMaw and Grady (our host and hostess)
Auntie Jan and Uncle Joe
Tammy and her family
Jeff and his family
Corey and his family
and, of course, Grandma
Before the games started, Auntie Jan brought out the Karaoke microphone that played Christmas carols.  Slightly annoying, you say?  No, majorly annoying!  It transforms your voice into some kind of elf/Alvin and the Chipmunks voice.  Seriously, it makes you want to pull every hair from your head!  I told Uncle Joe that he was on my list for letting Auntie Jan buy that and bring it with her.  He assured me that it wasn't his fault and he had no control over the situation (which I am sure is the case).
The theme for our White Elephant gift exchange was... As Seen On TV.  Hmmm... it made for some interesting gifts, but not much fighting!  Jonathan seemed to be hanging on to his Snuggie and Uncle Joe didn't quite know what to make out of his Trendy Top!
Although, Emma seemed to be making a trade!  I can't tell if she was stealing or having a prized item taken from her!

We had so much fun playing, laughing and hanging out together.  I wish there were other holidays, besides Easter and Christmas that we could get together and play.  We should just make some up.

Thank you all for such wonderful memories.  The Fortenberry's love you!

Season of Joy: Day 29

Jonathan's Santa Hat
Jonathan loves a good Santa hat.  The holidays wouldn't be complete without Jonathan wearing a Santa hat in every picture.  This actually dates back quite a few years.  I don't know when, where or why he decided that he needed to where a Santa hat all through the holidays, but it is HIS tradition and you don't mess with it!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Morning

Santa dropped by our house and left presents under the tree...
And, filled the stockings full of goodies (Notice how Fred pulls the lining out on mine, so I can't peek?  He does that every year.  It ruins my pictures almost as much as the dirty fireplace!)
I didn't get a good picture of the kids in their matching pj's!  It gets harder and harder to get Jess to pose for a picture.

Santa brought them flat screen TVs.  Jess got a netbook for school (1/2 Christmas present 1/2 birthday present).  Jonathan got some DS games.  They both enjoyed new books and videos.

I think they had a wonderful Christmas and really enjoyed themselves this year.  We feel so blessed that our circumstances are so much better this Christmas.

Season of Joy: Day 28

My Brother, Jeff
I love my brother, Jeff.  He is annoying... still holds me down and tickles my feet.  Still teases me and makes fun of me.  But, he is a great brother and I love him.  He has a beautiful family that I am so glad that he shares with us.  Thank you for being so special, Jeff (and you can read any kind of meaning you want into that word, special).

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Snow Day

While we were enjoying Christmas with Mom, Dad and Jeff's family, we started hearing reports that it was snowing in Frisco.  We looked out the window, but no snow in Lavon.  We were super bummed, but after about an hour Jeff came in reporting that it was snowing!

The kids bundled up and went outside to enjoy the snow for a few minutes.  We didn't stay outside long, because we didn't bring snow gear.  Jess didn't have the right shoes, pants or gloves.  Jonathan was bundled up but forgot gloves.  I didn't want to wear my good coat outside, so I was wearing Dad's rain jacket that didn't cut any of the cold.  I also had mittens on that converted to half gloves.  In order to take pictures I had my trigger finger exposed.  Boy, did it get cold.  Jeff wasn't properly clothed either, but Lainey sure looked cute!

Jess borrowed Fred's coat to bundle her and Lainey up for a picture and got photo bombed by Jonathan.  He truly thinks that he must be everywhere that Lainey is!

It was very hard to get a picture of Lainey.  She really didn't want Jess to help her and she didn't want to pose for a picture.  She was moving fast.  It was probably the first time she had ever seen snow.  I got plenty of pictures of the back and side of her head.  This was the best I could get.  Her mother came out with her tablet and tried to video her and just ended up walking backwards in front of her, so that she could capture the moment.  When you are two, you cannot slow down for pictures and videos.  Who knows when you will ever see snow on Christmas again?

Season of Joy: Day 27


Every year mom puts this marshmallow yuckiness in Jeff and Fred's stockings.  And, every year Jeff eats his right before dinner - making himself sick.  It's like he thinks we are daring him to eat it, but the dare is in his own mind!  Fred joined in this year and ate his, too!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The House That Built Me

Mom and Dad's house as it was snowing yesterday
"The House That Built Me"
Miranda Lambert
I know they say you cant go home again.
I just had to come back one last time.
Ma'am I know you don't know me from Adam.
But these hand prints on the front steps are mine.
And up those stairs, in that little back bedroom
is where I did my homework and I learned to play guitar.
And I bet you didn't know under that live oak
my favorite dog is buried in the yard.

I thought if I could touch this place or feel it
this brokenness inside me might start healing.
Out here its like I'm someone else,
I thought that maybe I could find myself
if I could just come in I swear I'll leave.
Won't take nothing but a memory
from the house that built me.

Mama cut out pictures of houses for years.
From 'Better Homes and Garden' magazines.
Plans were drawn, concrete poured,
and nail by nail and board by board
Daddy gave life to mama's dream.

I thought if I could touch this place or feel it
this brokenness inside me might start healing.
Out here its like I'm someone else,
I thought that maybe I could find myself.
If I could just come in I swear I'll leave.
Won't take nothing but a memory
from the house that built me.

You leave home, you move on and you do the best you can.
I got lost in this whole world and forgot who I am.

I thought if I could touch this place or feel it
this brokenness inside me might start healing.
Out here its like I'm someone else,
I thought that maybe I could find myself.
If I could walk around I swear I'll leave.
Won't take nothing but a memory
from the house that built me.

Season of Joy: Day 26

Santa Dropped By Yesterday!
Santa paid us a little visit yesterday and left clues all around the house.  The first clue led to a set of cables.  The second set of clues led to a wall mount.  Then they had to put their clues together and solve the puzzle to find out where their big gift was (turns out it was in Mom's car - Jonathan thought it was Mom's rac(k) - that brought lots of laughs).  Fred worked really hard on his clues for the kids and each of the kids had a clue that took them outside!  One problem... it stormed all night and it started raining again yesterday morning while we were enjoying our little adventure.
Oh, what a fun morning!  This was one of our best Christmas mornings ever!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

And, The Hunt Is On

Guess what I spent my Christmas morning doing?  Searching for scratch-offs that my Grandma received for Christmas.  Her Christmas presents didn't make it home with her yesterday, so I dropped them off on my way to Mom and Dad's today.  There was one gift missing.  She had received a rather large pile of scratch-offs and they couldn't be found anywhere.  I looked through her bag of goodies over and over.  I called my mom and I called my Auntie Jan.  They both told me to tell her to look in her purse - even though she swore that they weren't in her purse.  Just as she suspected, they weren't in there.  I told her that I would look for them at Mom and Dad's house.  I started unpacking all of her presents.  She looked at me and said that we should look in the new shoes that she received.  I had checked the shoe box three times over, but we checked it again.  I pulled the shoes out and checked in and around the shoes.  This time I noticed that there was a cardboard piece that lined the bottom of the shoe box.  I pulled it up and she had hidden her scratch-offs in this super-secret compartment in the shoebox with her brand new shoes!  I am not sure who she thought was going to take her scratch-offs, but she hid them so well that I almost threw them away!  I was one step away from putting the shoes in the closet and throwing the shoe box away. 

I would like to apologize to my future grandchildren, because one day you will be searching for something really important that I hid from the world!  And, when we find it, I am just going to look at you and grin.  Then, I'm going say, "Well, I'll be..."   All because you can do these things when you are 92 years old.

Season of Joy: Day 25

Cousin Time on Christmas Eve

What cuties these three are!  Lainey and Cheyanne played together for hours and Jonathan was the patient older cousin.  He offered everything from hide-and-seek help to piggy back rides.  There was another little cousin, Logan, but we didn't seem to get a picture with all 4 of them.  The "littles" could be heard yelling Jon-Jon all over the house.  Just when his cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles all should have given up that nickname, along comes a whole new crop of cousins to start calling him Jon-Jon!

I heard my cousin Tammy tell someone that it won't be long before Cheyanne and Lainey will be off in the back bedroom playing Barbies just like we used to. 

Cousin time is so much fun during the holidays!  I am so glad that Jess and Jonathan love the little ones so much.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Shining Star

On December 16th, our Scouts had a Court of Honor.  Jonathan received the rank of Star.  It is very exciting.  If he stays on track, he should receive Life in about 6 months and then can receive his Eagle by 14.  But, of course, this all depends on the little man staying focused!  We are very proud of him and how far he has come over the last two years.  Cubs was such a beating for Jonathan that I never dreamed he would enjoy Boy Scouts so much.
It looks like we will be quite the Scouting family.  Fred is our Scoutmaster and, of course, Jonathan is on the trail to Eagle.  However, during the committee meeting, I raised my hand and volunteered to be the Summer Camp Coordinator.  Which just means that I will take the responsibility off of Fred for pestering the parents for the deposits and funds for Scout camp.
I am so pleased and proud of both Jonathan and Fred for their participation in Scouts and can't wait to see how they both progress.

O Holy Night

Joseph, Mary and the Baby Jesus
Merry Christmas everyone!  I hope you enjoy my favorite picture, ever!  This right here is Christmas gold.  No one can ever take a better Christmas picture ever, so be jealous.  I love this picture.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and "remember the reason for the season."

Season of Joy: Day 24

Christmas is almost here...
Christmas is almost here whether I'm ready or not.  My wrapping paper doesn't match and I could be a lot more organized, but I'm living each day by the motto "I'm stressed, but blessed."  Last year, I could barely think ahead to this year or dream that we could be this blessed.
I thank my Heavenly Father each day that we have come this far!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Season of Joy: Day 23

Gift Bag Fail!
I have about a bazillion gift bags.  I decided that I was going to bag up every single gift and that I was only going to wrap the gifts for my kids.  I was tired and I was going to take the easy way out.  I had so many bags and they were annoying me.  I finally pulled every single one out and started sorting through them, so that I could decide which ones to keep and which ones to toss.  And, then I found this bag that had a tag from my Aunt Judy.  She died 2 years ago in November.
Don't you just hate finding things like that?  I thought about crying, but instead I listened to an Elvis Christmas song in her honor and kept going. 
We love our Aunt Judy and wish she could be with us, but Heavenly Father had other plans for her.

Season of Joy: Day 22

Merry Christmas to Me!
Fred and I tried something new for Christmas this year.  We picked out our own Christmas presents this year.  I have wanted this camera for a very long time and I found an excellent deal online.  It was hard spending money and I had buyer's remorse... that is... until I  got her out of the box and started using her.  She is awesome!!

Season of Joy: Day 21

Christmas Cards
On the 21st day of Christmas I got really far behind and posted this picture in my mind!  Oh my how I love Christmas cards.  For those that sent us cards, thank you!  I love them so much. 
As for our cards, we upgraded to higher quality cards this year and ordered slightly less cards.  The other thing that happened was that my data file was saved on my hard drive at work.  Unfortunately, my computer crashed earlier this year.  I tried to recreate my list, but didn't do a very good job.  Each day, I would receive a treasured card from one of you and realize that I missed you on my list.  I would then rush to send you a card in return.  I currently have all of 2 cards left. 
If you didn't get a Christmas card from us this year, please accept my apologies and send me an email letting me know that I missed you.  I am working on an updated list for next year!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Season of Joy: Day 20

Ugly Sweater Contest

I am a day late and a dollar short on Day 20.  It has been quite the week trying to get caught up at work and home.  My house needs cleaning, I haven't finished my Christmas shopping and I have overextend myself with commitments.  But, through all the stress, I remember one thing.  I am so very blessed this season.  Last Christmas I felt very blessed, too. However, it was a different kind of blessed.  I was finding blessings in the fact that Jess was finally getting the help that she needed and deserved.  However, I was so very sad that we couldn't spend Christmas with her and that she was going to be away from us for a time.  The other concern that we had was that we didn't understand how long insurance was going to let her receive treatment.  It was a huge concern.  This Christmas, I feel blessed and thankful for the kind of stress that I am feeling.  I will take this kind of stress any day!

I am also feeling a little sad... I didn't win the ugly sweater contest at work.  Although, I feel like I was a strong contender.  Lots of people came up and told me how awesome my entry was and that they voted for me.  So, either I was a strong 4th place (there were 3 winners) or I need to demand a recount.  I would like to thank my mom for loaning me her awesome shirt.  After I offended her by asking to borrow an ugly sweater, she came through with flying colors!  Thanks, Mom!  I knew I could count on you.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Season of Joy: Day 19

Our New Christmas Tree
We have a new skinny mini Christmas tree for our new skinny mini location for our tree.  Last year, we found ourselves searching for a new location for our tree.  We settled with the only available spot.  It wasn't quite big enough and we all had to turn sideways when we walked beside it.  This year, we were delayed getting our tree up, because we were hunting for the perfect tree.  We bought one from Target and ended up taking it back to the store, and continued on with the hunt.  I have decided that the perfect tree does not exist.  At some point, I will decide that I like my tree and I am happy with it!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Season of Joy: Day 18

Stockings Hung by the Chimney with Care

Growing up, the stockings were my favorite part of Christmas.  However, "Santa" has had a hard time recreating the magic for my kids.  When they were younger it was easier, but the older they get the harder it is to fill those stockings.  I'm hoping he does a better job this year.  He has been thinking about it and hoping to make it a great Christmas, since last year was less than stellar.

We shall see...

Monday, December 17, 2012

Season of Joy: Day 17

Jonathan's Special Ornament
As I mentioned in yesterday's post, last year the kids picked out special ornaments for the Christmas tree.  Jonathan chose music notes, since he was playing the tuba in the 6th grade band.  As I type this post, he is practicing his tuba, so I guess this ornament is still very fitting for him and his interests.
We hope that Jonathan continues with band throughout his school career.  I only have two complaints.  I wish that he took practicing more seriously, but I can certainly relate to the fact that practice is not fun.  And, I wish that the tuba was an easier instrument to tote around.
Other than those two complaints, I am hoping to have years of band in our future.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Season of Joy: Day 16

Jessica's Ornament
Last year, I didn't have very much Christmas spirit, but I managed to get my Christmas tree up just a couple of days before Jess left for residential care.  I had taken the kids shopping to pick out special ornaments for our tree that year.  I thought that might help us regain some of our lacking spirit.  We found this very special ornament for Jess.  A heart with the word 'Faith.'  It reminded us all to have faith that life would get better.
What a beautiful surprise when I pulled this ornament out of the box this year.  Such a beautiful reminder of how far we can come when we have faith.  While the ornament doesn't mean much to Jess, because she has been struggling with her testimony this past year, it means the world to me.  It is a beautiful reminder that we can get through trials and tribulations.  It isn't easy and doesn't happen overnight.  However, if we have faith, we can come through stronger and better people.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Season of Joy: Day 15

The Reason for the Season
My mother-in-law gave us this sweet nativity scene and I just love it.  I love celebrating the birth of our Savior at Christmas time.  Our church used to put on an awesome display of nativity exhibits.  It was wonderful and the spirit was so strong.  Some of the other stakes in our area still do it.  I think that we will try to visit one next year.  
I am so thankful for this beautiful season and for its true meaning.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Season of Joy: Day 14

The Christmas Story
This morning, we learned of the heartbreaking events in Newtown, Connecticut.  We learned about innocent children, a teacher/mother and adults in an elementary school that were killed.  We were left in tears and not sure how something like this could happen.
Tonight seemed like the perfect night to read about the true Christmas story in Luke.  On a day when it is hard to have hope, reading about the birth of our Savior can restore hope.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Season of Joy: Day 13

Mollie's Christmas Shirt

It is time to pull out the warm shirts!  I tried to take a picture of Mollie's "Happy Howlidays" shirt, but she was too tired to pose.  A dog's life is so "ruff!"

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Season of Joy: Day 12

Jonathan's Christmas Concert
We had the good fortune to attend Jonathan's Christmas concert on Monday.  We were able to enjoy the musical stylings of the some of the Wester, Clark and Centennial bands.  They all did a great job and looked very dapper in their concert attire.  I have to say that Wester looked the best in their formal wear.  This was their first time to wear their concert uniforms and MaMaw and Grady were there to help Jonathan get ready.  The stories we heard about his confusion over his tux, you would think Jonathan never wears nice clothes to church on Sunday.  Now, granted a tux is different than a white dress shirt and tie.  But, still!  It seems he tried to wear a graphic tee under his white tux shirt.  He put white tux shirt on over his head (and, yes, he does that with his dress shirt, too).  He tucked his vest in.  I am not sure if there were any other calamities.  Those were just the ones I heard about.  Jonathan required a second dinner, because MaMaw made him eat at 5:30.  That just didn't feel right, so he had to eat again when we ate dinner. 
Dinner and uniforms aside, he did a great job.  I have been hearing the tuba part to Instant Christmas Concert and Above and Beyond for a while now, so it was great to hear the other parts.
Biggest thing I learned?  I'm glad I didn't become a band director.  At concerts and competitions, you have tons of strangers looking at your butt all night.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Season of Joy: Day 11

Christmas Amaryllis

Our sweet Visiting Teachers gave us an Amaryllis bulb.  Jonathan did a great job getting it planted on Sunday night.  Jonathan is most excited, because he wants to be in charge of watering and caring for the bulb.  Hopefully, our brown thumbs will allow this guy to grow and flower.