Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More Fun in the Sun

Gracie (above) and Mollie (below) enjoying some outside time with the family. Mollie even had fun running through the slip-n-slide. She enjoyed running across and hurdling the slide.

Jessie came out to try her hand at the slip-n-slide. The instructions say that it is not recommended for anyone over 5 feet tall. However, I thought it would be fine. Jess watched Jonathan flail his body on the slip-n-slide and she quickly decided that her legs were way too long for that sort of activity. It is probably for the best. His knees are now red and beat up... not a good look for a 12 year old girl.

Mom watching all of the activity. I'm not sure where my make-up went to! I guess I rubbed it all off (rough day at work) or the sun melted it off. Either way, I look rough!

I wonder what he is thinking here. It can't be good whatever it is.
I researched Frisco's water restrictions to make sure I wasn't in violation. We are currently under voluntary water restrictions. This means that it is recommended that we only water our yards twice per week and it should only be early in the morning or after 6:00 p.m. Technically, I am watering my backyard with the slip-n-slide (there were no slip-n-slide rules on the city's website - I can't imagine why), so we will start following the recommended guidelines for watering your yard. Jonathan doesn't know that he is going to be cut down to two evenings per week on his new favorite water toy!

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