Sunday, June 28, 2009

Fun, Friends and Fireworks

The Garstka family was so gracious to host an early 4th of July event at their home on Saturday. Allen always does their fireworks a week early. It works out really well because Dave and Angela live within walking distance of Celebration Park.

Everyone brought their own meat for grilling, so there was an overload of food. It was all delicious. Both Dave and Angela's parents were there along with our friend, Abie. We really missed the Millers and Stacie this year!

We gathered the kids and went swimming. Angela and I watched on the sidelines will the kids and the men played in the water.

Jonathan and Madison getting thrown in the air by Dave and Abie.


Dave taking advantage of the empty pool.

After swimming, the men and Jonathan played cards. Jonathan thought he was big stuff playing cards with the big boys.

Below - Heading out the park to watch the fireworks.


Jessie - yes, she took her purse... complete with a book to read, makeup and her phone.

Madison getting a makeover before the fireworks.


Jonathan's new best friend... Aunt Angel. Sorry Angela! I know you're going to kill me for posting this picture, but it is too precious for words.
The fireworks didn't start until 10:00 p.m. After it was over, the guys started another round of cards because of the traffic. We didn't get home until 1:00 a.m.
Thanks, Dave and Angela for a great time. We always enjoy spending time with your family!

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