Thursday, October 15, 2015

Yeates and JFort

So, I got a text yesterday from my sweet friend, Cara, letting me know that she had the great fortune of having my boy, JFort, in her class that day at school.  Okay, maybe she didn't say that she had the great fortune.  I added that part.

When I got home, I asked Jonathan about it.  Here's how the convo played out:

Me:  I hear you had Coach Yeates today.

Jonathan:  Yeah, why?  (He looked a little concerned.  Like maybe Cara had given me some inside information into his day that he didn't want me to have.)

Me:  No reason.  I was just wondering how it went.

Jonathan:  Well, when we came into class one of my friends said, "Hey Jonathan, when I walked in I heard Coach Yeates say, 'Oh man, there's Fortenberry.  I think I'm going to hurt myself.'"  So I told him that it's okay.  I know her.  Technically, we're neighbors and we go to church together.

Me:  What?  You didn't tell him that Coach Yeates is one of your mom's favorite friends?  Or, can you not talk about your mom at school?

Jonathan:  (Looking at me like he was thinking about rolling his eyes) No, Mom!  I just didn't have time to tell him ALL the ways that I know her.

What does that even mean that we are "technically" neighbors?

Also, the first time I referred to Cara as Coach Yeates, Jonathan said that sounded so weird.  He said that what is more weird is trying not to call her Sister Yeates at school!

JFort and I are thankful for Yeates and how she serves others.  This mama considers it a tender mercy that she is at IHS each and every day.

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