Tuesday, March 4, 2014

God's Landmarks

"When you read the Book of Mormon, concentrate on the principal figure in the book - from its first chapter to the last - the Lord Jesus Christ." - Russell M. Nelson

Our Young Women participated in a Book of Mormon Read-a-thon this weekend.  They read for 17 hours.  I participated in the last 7 hours.  I wish I could have been with them for the entire 17 hours, because it was so incredibly amazing.  You can't imagine what it was like to sit and read the scriptures for that many hours.  Everyone should do it!  What made it so special is that we did it together and we did it reverently.  The Holy Ghost was present the entire time we were there.  The girls were so wonderful.  They were tired, but never complained.

We had guest readers that would come and read with us for 30 minute blocks.  Some read for longer than 30 minutes and never realized that they gave longer than their allotted time.  The last several were so amazing with the girls.  They stopped and explained principles with the girls, shared their personal experiences and would become overcome with emotion at times.  The last couple of hours were the best, for sure.  

We made it through Alma 31 and the girls were challenged to finish by Girls Camp on June 9th.  Lucky for us, we had an ice day yesterday.  I sat with my scriptures all morning.  I wanted to bridge the gap between where I was personally in my scriptures and where I started with the girls on Saturday.  I have officially read everything from 1 Nephi through Alma 31.  

Everyone that participated was touched by the activity and was able to increase their testimony in some way.  I am so thankful for such a wonderful activity, great leaders to serve with and beautiful sweet young women.  I love the scriptures and have a testimony of their truthfulness.

"The scriptures are the word of God.  They are God's landmarks that show the way we should travel in order to draw closer to our Savior and reach worthy goals." - President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

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