Sunday, March 16, 2014

Joy in the Journey

Jonathan got home safe and sound yesterday.  He reported that the food was delicious, he liked his family, his Ma and Pa were Brother and Sister Carlson from the 4th Ward and his favorite part was crossing the river.  He said that he wore all the clothes we packed for him... except for his socks and underwear!  They weren't able to shower, but we had strongly urged him to stay clean.  He came home not stinking so we think he had used deodorant and washed off.  I guess he didn't think clean underwear was a necessity!

I am thankful for waterproof mascara, because church was just too much for me today.  Hearing the testimonies of the sweet youth was so special.  Trek was such a testimony building experience for them.  I cried like a baby, but Fred held strong.  That is until Jaxon Moffitt sang Savior, Redeemer of my Soul.  It felt good to see Fred wiping tears away.  I told Jaxon that it takes a lot make Fred cry!

I am so grateful that our youth had the opportunity to participate in this reenactment and that they got to learn just a little bit what the pioneers went through.  The theme for Trek was Joy in the Journey and the kids were smiling in every picture that I saw.  They truly were finding Joy in the Journey.  I am so proud of these extraordinary youth and I love working with them each week.  They have such a sweet spirit.

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