Friday, March 12, 2010

On the Way Home

On the Way Home... blatant reference to my beloved Laura Ingalls Wilder.  A couple of weeks ago, while Fred was off fishing, Jonathan, Jess, Andee (Jessie's BFF), and I went home to visit my parents.  When I say home, I don't mean home like my parent's house in Lavon.  No, I mean home like Home of the Braves... Community School.

My mom works very hard and hosts a luncheon for a group of senior citizens.  We got to hang out at the luncheon.  I saw my first grade teacher, Mrs. NeSmith.  Love her!  After the luncheon, we went down to this special room that mom's quilters have at the school.  They make blankets for a group called Project Linus.  We utilized the room to start working on Jessie's Trek clothes. 



Silly Girls - Jessie and Andee


The kids got hungry, so I took them to Copeville to the most wonderful pizza place on earth.  As a youngster, our family enjoyed an occasional trip to Pizza Getti.  The Pizza Getti that I knew, burned down several years ago.  They have rebuilt in its place a nice new swanky Pizza Getti.  Thankfully, the secret pizza recipe didn't burn with the building.  The pizza tastes just the way it did in the '80s. 

See - I wasn't lying about it being new and swanky.

Just before 6:00 p.m. we were leaving Pizza Getti, and we spotted this beautiful moon.  I think you can see everything so much clearer in the country.  I guess because there aren't as many houses and buildings to block your view. 

Just had to take this picture of my alma mater's marquis.  Donkey Basketball... is that a Community thing?  I remember Donkey Basketball games when I was in high school.  However, I haven't encountered them since.

Last, but not least, I took a picture of the band hall.  I wonder what Mrs. Hannon would think about her band hall having a missing r in conservatory?  For some reason, I had forgotten that they had named the band hall after Mrs. Hannon.  It is certainly a fitting name for a band hall.  Of course, I loved Mrs. Hannon as a band director, Girl Scout Leader, and as my 4th grade teacher. 

It was interesting being back in the building where I spent kindergarten through 9th grade (my sophomore year, they opened a high school across the street).  I kept trying to show the kids around.  At first they politely listened, and then they just looked really bored.  I don't blame them!

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