Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 1: Chronicles of Spring Break

Today is the first day of Spring Break.  We have nine glorious days.  Jonathan and his friend Kaitlyn are acting like this is the one and only day they have together.
First they played together in the front yard.  Then we grabbed leashes and took the girls on a walk to the pond.  Jonathan and Kaitlyn each had different methods of feeding the ducks and geese.  Kaitlyn practically hand fed those big noisy geese.  Here's a little secret... Jonathan and I are somewhat afraid of the geese.  We only feed the ducks.
Jonathan wore his goggles from Home Depot.  I haven't the slightest idea why he thought he needed eye protection.
We enjoyed seeing all of the trees blooming.  Sadly, our Bradford Pear Tree is no more.  However, tree or no tree, Jonathan and I refuse to break our tradition.  As we were walking and spotted the trees blooming, we broke out into our favorite song.  Jonathan and I enjoyed teaching Kaitlyn, Popcorn Popping.
This is by far the coolest thing we saw on our walk.  I'm not sure if this is a goose egg or a duck egg.  Nevertheless, it is HUGE. 

After our walk, I took the kids to eat lunch and then to run errands.  Jess went to lunch with us, and then she opted to go over to a friend's house.  Her friend, Andee, got a new puppy.  As you can imagine, Jonathan and I were left in a cloud of dust.
While we were out running around, we managed to find and buy several cans of silly string.  There is nothing more fun than a silly string war!
Oh my!  What a mess!  I wonder who is going to clean it up?  Silly string wars take only a few minutes, but the clean up takes a little bit longer.
My hero!  Such a good son helping his mom.  Actually, I was shocked, and had to take a picture to record his hard work.
After the very brief silly string war, the kids still needed something to do.  After all, we must take advantage of every second of our first day of break.  They decided to try their hand at tree climbing.
I was fighting the sun, so the pictures didn't turn out very well.  That's what happens when you climb trees at 5:45 p.m.
Earlier today, Jonathan had scraped his arm while climbing.  I guess Jonathan learned his lesson.  He put on quite a few wristbands to help protect them from the rough bark.

Fred is fishing, so I thought Day One was supposed to be quiet and uneventful.  We had to tear the kids away from each other at 6:00.  They acted as if they might not see each other again for the rest of the week.

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