Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 4: Chronicles of Spring Break

We didn't do very much on Tuesday.  Jess had two doctor's appointments.  In between appointments, we found this fun little place called Rock-n-Roger's Diner.  Jonathan had a small order of chicken nuggets earlier in the afternoon to "tide" him over until we could have a late lunch.  He decided that he was full, and didn't want a meal.  Instead, he ordered a kid's root beer float.  This is the biggest kid's float that I've ever seen!

Jonathan eyeing his child size root beer float.
Jess and I each ordered soup, so that we could have dessert.  Jess opted for the brownie ala mode.  She reports that it was delicious.
I went for the peach cobbler.  I will never understand why my daughter feels the need to make crazy faces whenever we try to take her picture.
Jonathan was too full for a meal, but didn't seem to be too full to finish off Jessie's dessert.  Although, he did look really green after he finished it.  His eyes looked really heavy, and I was concerned that he might get sick.  He assured me that he was fine... just sleepy.

After our fun time at the diner, we did some shopping for trek and bought some Easter clothes.  Later that night, we had yummy fajitas and family time.  (Family time is code for we all watched American Idol together.)

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