Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 5: Chronicles of Spring Break

We spent St. Patrick's Day (Wednesday) hanging out with the kids.  After a slow and lazy start to the day, we picked up Jessie's friend, Andee, and started with lunch.
Since it was Jessie's last day before trek, we let her choose the restaurant.  She wanted Mexican food, so we tried Manny's Tex-Mex on Main Street. 
Everyone enjoyed their lunch... except for Mr. Picky.  Jonathan said that his chicken strips were overcooked.  In his defense, they were definitely left in the fry basket too long.  However, I don't think chicken strips are really their specialty.
Fred reports that his lunch was delicious.  I guess he was smart enough not to order the chicken strip basket.
Fred told Jonathan that he had to eat three more bites.  The consequences for not eating three more bites?  Jessie gets to kiss him!  Jonathan wasn't sure if he was serious or not.

After lunch, we took the kids to the Frisco Heritage Museum.  Jonathan had been on a field trip, and reported that it was a lot of fun.  I had been wanting to take the kids, but never made the time. 

The kids standing in a replica of a living room from the 1960's.
Fred and the kids learning about cotton.
Learning about the railroad.
We visited the gift shop, and bought all the kids a mood ring.  Jonathan's was showing blue (which I think means active), but when he would stand next to Andee it would turn purple.  Purple means romantic.  Jonathan says that means that someone is feeling romantic for the person wearing the ring.  He says that it does not, under any circumstance, mean that the wearer is the one feeling romantic.
Trying to show off his modeling skills.
Charlie's Angels?  Jess couldn't keep a straight face.
Three precious pumpkins.
Check out Fred's head.  He had to duck to get under that porch.

We had a great time on our last day with Jessie.  Hopefully, the kids had an experience that they will remember always.  And, perhaps, they learned something, too.  I know... CRAZY.  Trying to have fun and learn at the same time.

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