Saturday, March 27, 2010

And the Winner is...

Jonathan had his Pinewood Derby this afternoon.  He was very excited to race his cool green car.
Jonathan had an extra-special guest.  Grady came out to watch.  Jonathan was very happy to have him there.
Jonathan's is the green car on the far right. 
Here is one of the races.  Jonathan's car is on the far left.  It was hard to take pictures, because each race lasted only a few seconds.
This one was a tie!
Jonathan was a big winner.  He had the fastest car out of all of the WEBELOS.  Overall his car came in third place.
Jonathan's car and trophy
Grady, Jonathan and Fred

Jonathan was so happy to have Fred and Grady there to cheer him on.  Good job, Buddy.  We're proud of you!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 9: Chronicles of Spring Break

The first day of spring brought snow, and lots of it!
A familiar scene... I can't believe how many times I've stepped out my front door this year, and taken this picture.
To commemorate the end of Spring Break, we had an Unbirthday Party (like in Alice in Wonderland - the cartoon version).  We enjoyed our cinnamon rolls on GI Joe and Twilight party plates.
An Unbirthday Party wouldn't be complete without presents.  Jonathan got Astro Boy DVD, a new baseball glove, and a Tony Hawk t-shirt with skateboards on it.  Jess got New Moon and a DVD about Forks - where the books and movies are set.  In addition, she got a Cheshire Cat (from Alice in Wonderland) shirt that she had admired earlier in the week.

I am so sad that Spring Break is over!  I wanted it to last forever!

Day 8: Chronicles of Spring Break

On Saturday, we got our trekkie back.  They dropped her off before noon.  She wasn't supposed to be home until early evening.  However, the temperature had dropped in the night, and it had started raining.  She was wet, tired, and smelled like a campfire.  I hugged her, and then I sent her straight to the shower.  I spent several hours washing her belongings.  You can't imagine how wet and muddy everything was.  She reported that they walked 26 miles!  I am so proud of her.

We didn't have her back long, because she had to be back at the church at 3:30 p.m. for a fireside that went until the evening.  They had some things that they had to finish up, because they left early.  She reported that her Ma, Pa and siblings were wonderful.  There were eight kids in her family - 4 boys and 4 girls.

As for the rest of us, we cleaned house, played board games, and enjoyed the warmth of the indoors.  Oh, and did I mention that I did lots and lots of laundry?

Day 7: Chronicles of Spring Break

Friday was an extra-special day for Jonathan.  We went to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid.  It was the opening day, and we went to the first showing.  Jonathan is a big fan of this book.  Mostly, because it is full of boy humor.  Jonathan reports that there were some differences between the movie and the book, but that they were good differences.  The book had a lot of stick figure drawings in it, so you would have to imagine that there would be a need to enhance the story a little.

We took our neighbor, Kaitlyn, with us to the movie.  We also hooked up with our good friends, the Garstka's, at the movie theater. Jonathan was the lone boy in the group, but it didn't matter.  He was so excited to see this movie.  Afterwards, we enjoyed spending time hanging out and eating lunch with the Garstka's.

Once we got back to Frisco, I headed out to Kohl's to get Jonathan some Levi's (he sometimes pronounces it levies) which are his favorite jeans ever!  I also bought some really cute Easter/spring clothes.  (The items that I purchased really don't have anything to do with this story.) While I was shopping at Kohl's, I ran into someone from church that had seen Jess at trek.  I was assured that she was doing well.  Tired, but happy.  They walked 15 miles on the first day.

Day 6: Chronicles of Spring Break

Early Thursday morning, I had to drop Jess off at the church for her pioneer trek.  When I say early, I mean really early... she had to be there no later than 6:15 a.m.   We started getting up and moving at 5:00 a.m.  They don't take showers on trek.  While Jess was dressing, I went into her room to pay her a little visit.  I had her raise her arms up in the air, and I repeatedly applied deodorant.  I figured that the first day would be pretty brutal, and I was worried that one little swipe of deodorant wouldn't hold.  Thankfully, she was too tired to protest.

She got dressed in her pioneer-wear.  So cute!  She was really sleepy, and was having trouble getting her eyes to focus.  She managed to get a little bit of make-up on.  I straightened her hair.  I'm not completely sure why I had to straighten her hair at 5:30 in the morning, because she ended up putting her hair in pig tails.  She was looking for a style that would work with her bonnet.  Plus, something that would last three days.

Jess is not a morning person, but she did a great job getting herself up and ready.  I was worried, because they weren't waiting on the stragglers.

I worried about her while she was gone.  I prayed for her often.  I know that it was where she needed to be, and hopefully this experience would allow her testimony to grow stronger. 

As for the rest of the Fortenberry Four?  Fred worked on his gate, and did yard work.  Jonathan spent the day playing with our neighbor, Kaitlyn.  I did laundry, and picked 14 million weeds from my front  yard.

Day 5: Chronicles of Spring Break

We spent St. Patrick's Day (Wednesday) hanging out with the kids.  After a slow and lazy start to the day, we picked up Jessie's friend, Andee, and started with lunch.
Since it was Jessie's last day before trek, we let her choose the restaurant.  She wanted Mexican food, so we tried Manny's Tex-Mex on Main Street. 
Everyone enjoyed their lunch... except for Mr. Picky.  Jonathan said that his chicken strips were overcooked.  In his defense, they were definitely left in the fry basket too long.  However, I don't think chicken strips are really their specialty.
Fred reports that his lunch was delicious.  I guess he was smart enough not to order the chicken strip basket.
Fred told Jonathan that he had to eat three more bites.  The consequences for not eating three more bites?  Jessie gets to kiss him!  Jonathan wasn't sure if he was serious or not.

After lunch, we took the kids to the Frisco Heritage Museum.  Jonathan had been on a field trip, and reported that it was a lot of fun.  I had been wanting to take the kids, but never made the time. 

The kids standing in a replica of a living room from the 1960's.
Fred and the kids learning about cotton.
Learning about the railroad.
We visited the gift shop, and bought all the kids a mood ring.  Jonathan's was showing blue (which I think means active), but when he would stand next to Andee it would turn purple.  Purple means romantic.  Jonathan says that means that someone is feeling romantic for the person wearing the ring.  He says that it does not, under any circumstance, mean that the wearer is the one feeling romantic.
Trying to show off his modeling skills.
Charlie's Angels?  Jess couldn't keep a straight face.
Three precious pumpkins.
Check out Fred's head.  He had to duck to get under that porch.

We had a great time on our last day with Jessie.  Hopefully, the kids had an experience that they will remember always.  And, perhaps, they learned something, too.  I know... CRAZY.  Trying to have fun and learn at the same time.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 4: Chronicles of Spring Break

We didn't do very much on Tuesday.  Jess had two doctor's appointments.  In between appointments, we found this fun little place called Rock-n-Roger's Diner.  Jonathan had a small order of chicken nuggets earlier in the afternoon to "tide" him over until we could have a late lunch.  He decided that he was full, and didn't want a meal.  Instead, he ordered a kid's root beer float.  This is the biggest kid's float that I've ever seen!

Jonathan eyeing his child size root beer float.
Jess and I each ordered soup, so that we could have dessert.  Jess opted for the brownie ala mode.  She reports that it was delicious.
I went for the peach cobbler.  I will never understand why my daughter feels the need to make crazy faces whenever we try to take her picture.
Jonathan was too full for a meal, but didn't seem to be too full to finish off Jessie's dessert.  Although, he did look really green after he finished it.  His eyes looked really heavy, and I was concerned that he might get sick.  He assured me that he was fine... just sleepy.

After our fun time at the diner, we did some shopping for trek and bought some Easter clothes.  Later that night, we had yummy fajitas and family time.  (Family time is code for we all watched American Idol together.)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 3: Chronicles of Spring Break

On Monday, we went to my parent's house in Lavon.  Mom hemmed up Jessie's skirts for trek.  Jess spent most of the day enjoying technology (texting and Internet).  She will be giving all that up Thursday morning when she leaves for trek.  The weather was beautiful, so we were able to spend lots of time outdoors.

Football Fun.   I even got in on the fun, but no one should see those pictures... EVER!  They are so unattractive.

Breeze was just perfect for flying a kite.  Jonathan had a nice looking G.I. Joe kite that I am pleased to report is still in one piece!
Our eyes were killing us from looking into the sun.  We definitely picked the wrong time of day to get the kites out. 
Jonathan let me take over for awhile!
Of course, tree climbing was a priority for Jonathan!
Somehow Daddy and I ended up in the tree, too.

Tree climbing is hard work!  It takes a lot of bandaids to climb a tree.
Tree climbing also makes you sleepy!  MaMaw had some of Jonathan's old pj's at her house.  They are so short on him that they look like carpi's.
Last, but certainly not least... Jessie.  She was missing from all of the action!  I guess she figured that she would be spending enough time outdoors later this week.

We had a great time visiting MaMaw and Grady.  In addition to the activities mentioned, the guys played catch with the baseball, Jonathan rode his bike, and he played with the cats.  We also had a delicious dinner, and celebrated Grady's birthday.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 2: Chronicles of Spring Break

Today is Sunday, so we mostly did churchly type activities.  Jess went to choir practice.  Then there was church.  And, of course, Jonathan and I had some deep conversations about resurrection.  Then there was the not-so deep conversation about the difference between the and Thee in the scriptures.  The youth choir performed I Believe in Christ and they were awesome!

Jessie.  I must say this dress was pretty cute in person.  In this picture it just looks weird.


Jess didn't sit with us in the chapel today.  She had to be there early, and we squeaked in just as church was starting.  She was already sitting with a friend, so Jonathan decided that we should take the empty pew on the FRONT row.  Jonathan wanted to do something nice for Jess, since we didn't get to sit next to her.  He drew this lovely picture of a goat.  He was so pleased to present it to her before she went to class.

On the back side he tried to draw a picture of Jessie.  He was really disappointed, because it didn't turn out that well.  I have no idea what he is talking about.  It looks just like her!  (Jessie, I'm kidding.)

Jonathan decided to strum (I guess that is what you would call it) on his new guitar that he bought from Walmart.  This was right after church, and shortly before my arm was twisted into going outside to get some additional sunshine.  I guess he's concerned that he is deficient in Vitamin D.

This picture doesn't have anything to do with Day 2 of spring break.  This is Jessie's new bed.  Last weekend she traded her uncomfortable twin size bed in for this comfy full size bed.  She reports that she has had the best sleep ever.  I just love the dolphins on her bed.  That is so Jessie.  She has had the pink dolphin since she was at least four.  As she grows into a young woman and her interests change, I'm glad to see that some things haven't changed.
Day 3 should take us to Lavon.  Mom will be hemming Jessie's Trek skirts.  And, hopefully, we'll get to fly kites.  Happy Spring Break!