Monday, February 1, 2010

I Did It!

I did it!  I finished reading The Book of Mormon!  Oh, yes I did!  I started reading on 11/15/09, and planned to finish by 2/15/10.  And, here I am.  I finished two weeks early!  I'm pretty sure that this book mark was the key to my success.  I just love to color in a square after I've finished reading each chapter.  It is the small things for me.

This is my second time (I know, I'm a loser) to read the Book of Mormon from start to finish - all the way through.  I read my scriptures regularly, but I skip around.  I've started the Book of Mormon way more than the two times that I've finished it.  I always get stuck at Alma.  I don't know why, but that is where I get bogged down.

I am so happy to be a good example to my children.  For the last 2 1/2 months, they have seen me with my nose stuck in this book.  My co-workers have seen me on my lunch hour reading, and have asked questions. 

I'm excited to be finished, but now I'm a little lost as to what to do next.  Do I continue on with The Doctrine and Covenants.  Do I dare start The Old Testaments, since that is what we are studying this year in Sunday School?  Or, do I just start over and start reading The Book of Mormon, again.  I could also go back to my old method of studying the scriptures... by topic.  Clearly, I have some decisions to make tonight.

Moroni 10:4

I do not express my feelings very eloquently, so I'm not sure if I should even try to share my testimony in this post.  I can tell you I am so thankful to have The Book of Mormon (along with The Bible, The Doctrine and Covenants and The Pearle of Great Price).  I am thankful for the freedom to be able to read it wherever I choose - even if that happens to be in the breakroom at work.  I know that it is truly another testament of Jesus Christ.  I am thankful to those whose lives inspired me to learn more about The Book of Mormon and to invite the missionaries into my home.

See... I told you... not so eloquent.  But, hopefully, you get the idea.

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