Sunday, February 14, 2010

I Promise

I promise to take some time this week to get our blog caught up.  I can't believe that I've only posted two times this month.  I have a lot rolling around in my head that I want to get typed up. Seriously, I have composed lots of posts in my head.  Unfortunately, none of them made it to the blog.

Work has been crazy.  I have been coming home more than a little bit tired.  First, I concentrate on my family. Then, I read my scriptures.   I'm trying to read The Doctrine and Covenants along with Pearle of Great Price in a month.  I'm actually a couple of days ahead of schedule.  I get all that done, and then have great plans to post.  After being on the computer all day, I can't seem to get motivated to get back on.  This week will be different.  I WILL get caught up.  I want to capture the highlights of our trip to Hot Springs, my birthday, and playing in the snow.

Stay tuned...

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