Monday, February 15, 2010

Grandmotherly Love

Me and Granny

My Granny (Jessie Belle Norman Forthman) left this earthly world on February 15, 1988... just four short days after my 16th birthday.  (Please don't do the math on that one.)   I was crushed.  I named my daughter Jessica in her honor.  I never planned to call her Jessie, though.  Somehow, Jessica emerged as a Jessie, and it worked.

As I've mentioned before, my Grandma has been ill.  She seems to be doing much better now.  So, my mom is preparing to move her from a nursing home to an assisted living arrangement.  I had asked what we could do to help.  Mom was hesitant.  Probably because the Fortenberry's bring chaos almost every time we head to Greenville.  The problem starts with Jessie.  She doesn't eat a good breakfast.  Then we leave right at lunch time.  I stop along the route to get them lunch.  Jess doesn't eat hers.  We drive along, and she does all the things you shouldn't do while riding in a car.  She lays down; she has her head hunched down texting; reads books and magazines; and battles low blood sugar from not properly eating.  What results is that Jess is not only sick, but cranky.  She is so cranky that she gets the nickname Crankella on any ride that lasts longer that 30 or 40 minutes.  Jessie's crankiness triggers some kind of radar that Jonathan has.  When she gets cranky he goes into "I must annoy my sister mode."  Needless to say we are a train wreck waiting to happen.  So, we got a call this morning letting us know that we were welcome to head toward Greenville.  We made some slight adjustments to our day, and started on the hour long trek.  I might add that the scenario above did occur!  We took the minivan instead of the car, so that seemed to help with the car sickness a little.  It did not help with the low blood sugar or crankiness.

Me and Grandma

As we started on our drive, I told my kids that today was the anniversary of Granny's death.  I thought it was quite fitting to go visit Grandma on this day.  I hope my Granny would be happy.  I couldn't visit with her today, but I was able to see my Grandma.  I'm glad that things had calmed down in Greenville, so that we could make a trip out there.

And, what a visit it was.  Grandma was filled with all kinds of feistiness.  Jess thought it was hysterically funny, and asked my mom if she was going to be this entertaining when she is older.  Jonathan's comment: "MaMaw is Grandma's daughter.  That means that Grandma can say and do whatever she wants." 

Grandma told Jess that she was the most beautiful girl in the world.  That absolutely made Jessie's day.  Jonathan was told that he was so pretty that he could be a girl.  Jonathan's reply, "Before I was born, my parents thought that I was going to be a girl."  Son, you really shouldn't tell people that the doctor told us that you were a girl at first.  This could cause laughter, plus your dad doesn't like for us to talk about it.  And, once again, Jonathan was kissed to death.  He didn't seem to mind, though.

Grandmothers are special.  I'm glad that I have one watching over me in heaven.  And, I'm especially thankful that I can have a feisty one here on this earth still. 

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