Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fortenberry Family Fun

We had one of our infamous Fortenberry Family Fun Days last Saturday.  Jessie's friend, Andee, spent the night on Friday.  She was supposed to go home Saturday morning.  However, we decided to let Andee stay for the day and enjoy our Fortenberry Family Fun Day.  I can't remember what we did Saturday morning.  I think we were lazy.  Lounged about, and then worked like mad to get everyone pushed through the shower and dressed. 

The Fortenberry Four + Andee met up with our friend, Angela, and her girls.  We went to see the The Lightening Thief.  Jonathan was the only one in the group that had read the book.  We were about middle of the way through the movie when Jonathan declared that he was ready to go home.  I guess there were some differences between the movie and the book that Jonathan didn't appreciate.  By the end, Jonathan decided that he liked the movie.  The other kids didn't have anything to compare it to, so they thought it was a great movie - from beginning to end.

After The Lightening Thief, we met with with our friends for my birthday dinner.  The food was wonderful.  The company was wonderful.  And, it is nice to have such great friends.

This isn't the whole group.  The kids (except for Jonathan) are missing from this shot.  I gave the camera to Fred to take some pictures.  This is what I got!  He didn't use the flash (my fault for not pointing it out to him), and he didn't take pictures of everyone.  Oh well, I didn't marry him for his photography skills!

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