Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pictures of Heaven - 100th Post

Can you believe it? This is my 100th Post! I am excited because I like nice round numbers. It is always a great day for me when my total of Facebook friends hits an even number. I just like nice even numbers.

I had a great post planned for my 100th post, but I haven't finished composing yet. So, instead you get my refrigerator art. I promise... it is blogworthy... to me, at least.

In primary last year, the kids were asked to draw a picture of what they thought Heaven would look like. I was so touched by both my kids' pictures that I have kept them on our refrigerator all this time. However, the time has come to retire the pictures. I can't keep everything, right? Since, I'm trying to pare down all of my treasures, I thought that I would take a picture of these fine pieces of art.

Jessie's artwork depicts a beautiful gold fountain.

Jonathan's artwork features Jesus and some interesting trees. I loved his picture of Jesus. I will admit that the trees are a little scary.
Thank you for indulging me as I immortalize Jessie and Jonathan's drawings of Heaven.

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